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Are you shitting me or what? How does 2 CR2032 batteries die so quickly? They prevented my 2 H55 motherboards from powering on at all...

Good thing I decided to check their voltages with my multimeter (one read 0.7V, one read 0.3V) and yonking the battery from my (not booting) 970 mobo now allows my H55 motherboards to boot pwefectly.


@Ethocreeper Found the cause! 

  1. keskparane


    They were flat when you got them. xD Pun intended.

  2. Mr.Meerkat


    Nah, they were working 5 months ago completely fine. 

  3. ARikozuM


    Methinks he missed the joke...

  4. Technomancer__


    wtf really the batteries! but they are there for the bios and the time...

    i never heard batteries affecting computers to boot. strange...

  5. keskparane


    Bios will often halt until settings are confirmed. So it starts to boot but doesn't get past bios.

  6. Mr.Meerkat


    @ARikozuM Yep, I did



    Anyway, its pretty common that if the CR2032 battery dies, it won't get past post however I've never heard of a computer not being able to power up at all (i.e. the PSU doesn't get the command to turn on from mobo) which is why checking the button cell was the last thing I did :P

  7. keskparane


    I once bought 20 of them that the seller sent loose in a cardboard envelope. At least half had shorted out and were not suitable for use when I got them.
