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  1. I accidentally put ---> " <--- In the VPN Browser Link. So just backspace that and then u will be good! Or just press this link: https://www.freevpnbrowser.com/
  2. This post is Sooo OLD! But if any 1 wants to go on any website on a school computer but the website u wanna go on is blocked. I have some good news. Well u guys prob already know. But u can use proxy server websites. Ik 2 that really work but they kinda suck. Soo I found this VPN Browser u can use to visit ANY WEBSITE UR HEARTS DESIRE! Lol. But at times u will hAvta type in a code to make sure your a human but after u type in the code u will be right on the website u were searching for. My schools Pretty strict. But I still managed to download it. Here's the URL: "https://www.freevpnbrowser.com/" It really works. But if it doesn't let u visit that website on ur schools computer/labtop. No worries! Jus go to one of the 2 Proxy Servers! (1) www.proxy4free2u.appspot.com (2) www.bingproxy.com Then download it. Now that should work!