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(is actually two of them)

  1. TopHatProductions115


    Ooo - that's a lot of storage :3

  2. 2FA


    I was originally looking at 4TB Reds but these were on sale and I couldn't resist. Had to do the 3V mod though.

  3. TopHatProductions115


    So now you'll have 16TB, right (2 of them)? Guess I'll be forced to invest in 8TB 7200RPM HDDs when I go for my next build...

  4. 2FA


    I'm using Unraid currently with those two 8TB drives and two 1TB drives. I don't really buy everything at once so the flexibility is nice but when I picked it, I wasn't yet aware of MergeFS+SnapRAID which is also a very flexible solution. Once I finish preclearing these two drives, I'll have 10TB usable which is honestly plenty for me currently.

  5. TopHatProductions115