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How does one cite a poorly written document that's in a GitHub repository along with the code, and is hosted by someone other than the original programmer/author and doesn't directly mention them? Like it's known the person wrote it but not directly stated in the code/document.

  1. TopHatProductions115


    Will this help?:

    I'd cite it as if the original author's name wasn't given (because it wasn't) and state that the instance you cited is a mirror of the original, in a note at the end of the bibliographic entry. I've done that before for other situations where important info was missing.

  2. captain_to_fire


    I think APA or MLA citations is still applicable 

  3. 2FA


    I did APA:


    Owner. Repo title. (Date of initial commit). GitHub repository. Retrieved from http://exampleurl.com


    I'll just ask my adviser for what he would suggest next time I see him.

  4. 2FA


    I suppose I could alternatively cite the article that the rehoster wrote but I'd prefer to cite the original document.
