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  1. Not a good idea do bitch again at the WAN show now. I did not agree with all the drama at all, but, stirring it again to call viewers dumb is beyond stupid.
  2. You can allways send back to the USA(or where it is the country of origin) and do the RMA there. That is the deal with importing by yourself, you also deal with getting it out of the country to fix and back. But, after 30 days you are on your own from Newegg because they will not pay for international shipping.
  3. I do agree with everything that you said. He is not perfect and not as good as he claim to be. He just isn't on the botton 90% of the youtubers/internet influencers at all. Like I said, at worst, he is the botton of the 90%. There is some mental gimnastics with floatplane exclusive content, with the preorder, even the trust me bro he was blind to how important was to the community to have that piece of paper.
  4. I'm not going to argue with you if your point is that 9 out of 10 people on Linus position would act the same way because this is so wrong that I don't know how to start. If it is pointing that the average tech youtuber sells itself for china crap, the biggest youtuber sold himself for a virtual burger chain and it's finally getting to him. Anyway, good luck.
  5. Are you really saying that Linus and the way he does business is 9 out of 10 youtubers? Guys, get a grip of the reality. LMG has more integrity than 90% of the youtube space, if not more. Linus Media Group, Gamers Nexus, Jay Z and all of the others are the top 10% of the creators and if you want to be unfair you can put LMG on the botton of this top 10%. But, don't be crazy, they are not even close to the other 90%.
  6. Do yourself the biggest favor you can on your life, click on "do not show" to every ltt channel on youtube and you will forget all of this and stop this weird mr sebastian for your own good.
  7. You have the most of the expensive gear already, the janky setup will be worse to maintain. This is a tried and true method, with proper support and people that can really help you on the issues. But, it's up to you, weird 3 computer setup or single computer with the working piece of software and proper support.
  8. The name of what you want to do is projection mapping. Easies single computer sollution is Resolume arena with SLI and using splitters that will split each 4k output into 4x1080p and leave one output for control. Resolume can trigger into multiple computers at the same time, but, there is some sync issues that you can have if the screens are close enough. Just remember that running a 7x4k comp is hard and you probably need a really good computer for it. Also remember to transcode stuff into the resolume codec for better performance. Resolume: https://resolume.com/ Splitters (they are called videowall controller): https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005005458144730.html
  9. How you can watch 45 minutes of the monotone monologue of that guy?
  10. But it's not in the handbook and I'm not mature enough to know how to deal with conflict myself, even if it is the conflict between talking to my boss or my boss boss.
  11. Dear lord, you spammed this link how many times here already trying to make it work?
  12. If it's going to be this stupid just sell the company and rub into everyones face how much they lost after the chanel becomes some chart reading piece of crap or pseudo reality show with unknown faces.
  13. Oh yeah, I agree with you 100%. Even big guys might have issues to get business time with someone like linus without some serious gate keeping from people bellow him.
  14. Key people within really big companies. 2 from Johnson and Johnson and 1 from Indorama ventures. I do not network with them, I had the oportunity to talk during lunch because I work with corporate events and I was the artistic director of events where they were.
  15. And some of the coolest interactions I ever had was with this kind of people, you can listen to some cool stories. Had 3 of this kind of interaction on my job and I really like that I had the opportunity.