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Why are AMD fanboys so fucking stupid and rabid?

Someone makes a negative video about Intel? Thumbs it up all day! Someone makes a video about switching from Ryzen to Intel? Thumb it down!


By the way, Adobe updated Premier to support QuickSync. This gives a massive performance increase.

You know how people say Final Cut is so fast on Macs? It's because of QuickSync, and Premier now has it too (if you have an Intel processor with an iGPU).

In tests like these, enabling QuickSync gives a very large performance increase (about 100% increase in one test, and 60% in another)

  1. Syntaxvgm


    seems like the type of title an intro thats asking for dislikes. 

  2. Jtalk4456


    because amd is best!!!!

     Image result for football fans painted red

    xD No I don't do the whole fanboy thing, but i do personally root for AMD and hope they take over

  3. LAwLz


    @Syntaxvgm Isn't that mentality kind of proving my point?

    The title says they ditched AMD for Intel, and your logic is that they were "asking for it" and that AMD fans downvoted it just based on the title. That implies two things.

    1) That the people who disliked the video did so without watching it, just judging it by the title (which would validate my "rabid" accusation).

    2) That switching from AMD to Intel is somehow bad and "asking for it".

  4. Syntaxvgm


    no it's a clickbiat as hell title "I ditched X FOR Y!!!!! XD" 



  5. LAwLz


    @Syntaxvgm How is it clickbait? Seems pretty non-clickbait to me. The title say exactly what the video is about and the conclusion. He is switching from Ryzen to Intel.

    How is saying you switch from AMD to Intel "asking for it"?  Their video titled "We Switched to AMD Ryzen! TOTALLY WORTH IT!" was apparently not "asking for it". And here is another video from JayzTwoCent titled "Is it time to swithc to AMD? Has Intel lost its mind?" and it has next to no downvotes or negative comments either.

    Isn't downvoting a video based on the title rather than the content fairly "rabid" behavior?

  6. Syntaxvgm


    it's more like "why I ditched b for a" being the old fashioned clickbait, no "gone sexual" needed. It's like saying "why I stopped listening to band". People are going to dislike, it's very obvious. amd fanboys are more defensive than intel fanboys. There's no way he didn't know that would happen. Downvoting a video because of the title isn't rabid, it's normal youtube. 

  7. Sharif


    Though by using Ryzen system last couple of months++ probably gave the fan boys the wrong idea and sense of fanboy ecosystem trust lol

  8. LAwLz


    @Syntaxvgm How is it clickbait? It's not clickbait because you get exactly what it says in the title. It is about as far from clickbait you can get. "Why I ditched A for B" is actually MORE clickbait because it throws out some bait and you have to click it to find out why.

    Titles with questions are almost always clickbait, because it makes people curious and wants to find out the answer. In this case the answer is right in the title. They switched from Ryzen to Intel. That's it.


    And no, people aren't just going to dislike someone saying they switched from one brand to another. It certainly doesn't seem to happen with any video where Intel is in the bad light while AMD gets glorified.

    Like you said, AMD fanboys are more defensive than Intel ones, which was kind of my entire point with this status update.


    And no, downvoting videos because of titles isn't really normal youtube. At least not on the channels I watch. Doesn't seem to be the case with Linus' videos either, where almost all of them are garbage.

  9. Syntaxvgm



    And no, downvoting videos because of titles isn't really normal youtube. At least not on the channels I watch. Doesn't seem to be the case with Linus' videos either, where almost all of them are garbage.

    lol what youtube do you watch? Yes AMD fanboys are more rabid, but mainly because there's no reason to be much of an intel 'fanboy' imo. All fanboys are cancer. 

  10. LAwLz


    I don't think there is a reason to be an AMD fanboy either. In any case, it seems like you agree with me that AMD fanboys, which was my entire point.
