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I feel really disconnected from other star wars fans right now.

I did not like episode 8 but it is getting really high scores and my friends are saying I got bad taste for not liking it. 


I would give it a 6/10 while some of them say it was the best star wars movie ever. 

  1. LAwLz


    I thought episode 7 was alright. Easily better than episode 8.

    I recommend you watch episode 8 though. If not at the cinema then at least when it comes out on some streaming service. I would be lying if I said it was a bad movie (like the people rating it 2-3 stars, or maybe even one star) but I can honestly say that I am more surprised by the people rating it 8 or more than I am people rating it 4 stars.


    Then again, Episode 1 got a lot of praise when it was first released too. It was not until later people started noticing all the flaws in it.
