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Meanwhile in India, SJW are having a field day over a kids candy


  1. Volbet


    Or, you know, buy the one your kid would like. That's a lot easier than making Nestlé change the packaging.

  2. Windows7ge


    I'm amazed humans have evolved as a society to the point where this is considered a crisis.


    Nevermind the plague, other diseases, war, famine, or helping those suffering in 3rd world countries there's a company making candy with gender role toys in them and I'm FUCKING upset!

  3. MEC-777


    There are so many other FAR more important things to be worried about and fight for change in regard to. It's freakin candy!!! I can't even... >_<

  4. Syntaxvgm


    gendering kids products is stupid yes, but a manufactured crisis if I've ever seen one. 

  5. Tech_Dreamer


    whenever i see petty shit like this i always assume it's either a group of some woman who has invested in women's right in the past or feminism in partiality & not in its true nature, who is bored & want to play things safe by picking on petty stuff like this & acting like it's a big thing . either that or it's a manufactured "controversy" hyped buy local media as a pseudo ad campaign .they're getting cocky smart these days . the usual herd of sheep follows along with it.
