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Everything posted by Aprime

  1. Eh, if they're nerfing it it probably means it runs cooler than the Snapdragons. :v
  2. Thanks for reminding me why I don't want a house
  3. Linus on vacation is Linus browsing the forums and doing ad pickups. Business owner blues.
  4. Could use some irony: OBS is better. ;D I'd use it for broadcasting on my Twitch channel.
  5. It's your typical naughties stoner movie, only taken to a DEFCON 2 level of annoyance for practically the first half of the movie. Skylark's character (the interviewer) receives most of the blame for this. It gets "better" by Seth's standards for humour at some point - couldn't give you a minute mark precisely, but the dynamic of the movie seems to change. Watched it with three people and we all felt that way about it, so yeah. Props are inaccurate and sometimes scream cheap as hell, like Koh and Yu's uniform ribbons are a single plate of the cheapest plastic, they also seemingly used a bunch of decommissioned Canadian Iltis for that last chase scene, 3D scenery is obvious, a trait seen further and further in your average productions since Michael Bay made fake CGI alright by popular standards. I'll give the dated Soviet tanks a pass, evidently. It mocks America about as much as it does NK (mentioning incarceration rates and the likes). But the political statement of the movie is rather weak, if there's really one. I feel any time I spend doing a detailed critique of the movie is wasted, so I'll just stop there. Merry Kristmasu~
  6. I'm bottlenecking with my 4770K for rendering and my 32GB of ram want roar
  7. http://steamcommunity.com/updates/broadcasting
  8. Yeah, because you can only buy individual bitcoins, right? #ignoranceisvirtuous
  9. the author has a reputation for favoritism (AMD) dating back to 2009. The article is his own, excessively tainted analysis of quotes that aren't arbitrary enough by his own terms. There's nothing 'serious' here. I'm not denying the existence of kickbacks. Hell, it's shortsighted shit on the behalf of the industry as they're driving sales out of the[ir] market. And my experience with green hardware has been shit, I might add. So don't think I'm biased here. I just had to stop reading and look him up midway into the article because of how it reads like angry fanboy material.
  10. Their sample doesn't include Asus machines and a number of other now-major vendors.