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Everything posted by MrChavelo

  2. Yea, you should flip the one in the back
  3. Lol like anyone reads those Google reviews anyway
  4. Hello, Is it possible to use N2O cartridges instead of CO2 cartridges for this project? Both substances have the same density so I guess it wouldn't matter.
  5. Well, you can already select peripherals on pcpartpicker so I don't see the point of having another site for that.
  6. Try rebuilding the whole system? When I built my pc I had the same issue, the next day I rebuilt the pc and it worked like a charm. There must be some loose connector. If not, the motherboard is probably faulty.
  7. The real question is, do you really want the features the Hue+ offers? Do you really want the lights in your pc to flash when you're listening to music? Do you really want your pc to be a christmas tree? If the answer is no, you might as well just save the 50$ and spend it on things you'll enjoy more than flashing lights you'll only look at once.
  8. IMO not. You can get some cheap molex led strips for 10 bucks. You don't need a 60$ unit to make your pc flashy. Same with the Grid+, a 15$ fan controller will do the same thing.
  9. MrChavelo

    Dutch Talk

    Dan moet je nog naar de mensen toegaan. Ik denk niet dat je voor 1 klant 50km wil fietsen.
  10. I'm no scientist, but I think it has to do with the density of the water. Water vapour is a gas and thus has a much lower density than its liquid or solid form. This would mean that electrons cannot be transferred as easily.
  11. MrChavelo

    Dutch Talk

    Lol, mijn opa en oma doen dat altijd. Ze hadden echt nooit een tablet moeten kopen..
  12. MrChavelo

    this list is pretty kek

    imperial system is way superior
  13. Hello, I've got an NZXT S340 with two 120mm fans in the front. I was wondering if it was possible to put little souvenir like magnets on the front of the case without damaging the fans. Can I? Thanks, Chav
  14. gn3 You can add me on steam and message me anytime you want when I'm available if you wanna play a match, here's a link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pyraminized/
  15. MrChavelo

    Dutch Talk

    Wel wat ace's, maar niet zo ziek als deze clutch (1 quickscope headshot, 1 noscope door muur, 1 noscope headshot en nog een normale quickscope!) En op moment van schrijven is het iets te laat om nog een potje te starten, morgen kan ik helaas ook niet ivm visite
  16. MrChavelo

    Dutch Talk

    Helaas heeft CS:GO geen eigen font. Maar beter Watch_Dogs dan dit, niet?
  17. MrChavelo

    Dutch Talk

    Ik had vandaag m'n eerste Global Elite momentje in CS:GO Ben er best wel trots op
  18. They have got 3-pin connectors
  19. I have been using the stock fans for quite some time now. If you're putting your pc on your desk I strongly recommend to either get a fan controller or new fans, because the fans are very loud at full speed. They do perform well, though.