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A old woman called in because she cant connect to her facebook, When i asked her what kind of pc she has? The answer was type writer......WTF.....wait its monday

  1. ShadowCaptain
  2. JoaoPRSousa
  3. DigitalHermit


    are you sure it's an old woman and not a hipster?

  4. JoaoPRSousa
  5. dustincarlton88
  6. Tech_Dreamer


    lol , so hipster that she tried to login with a typewritter, You sure you weren't being trolled?

  7. dustincarlton88


    she was dead serious...i was tearing up. I'm still laughing. She was 93 years old tho.

  8. Tech_Dreamer


    Damn! That's cold!
