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Everything posted by Sneaky

  1. http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/472033-call-of-duty-black-ops-3-to-run-at-30fps-on-last-gen-consoles/
  2. Why is this in the programming & software design section?
  3. The black bar at the bottom is still a real turn off for me, I'll stick to my LG G Watch R until there's a newer version.
  4. So instead everyone should pay 30% to Microsoft?
  5. I have a very different experience with VM, I have a 152 Mb connection with them and I usually get around 160 - 165, don't think I've ever been throttled and if I have then it's not been noticeable and I get pretty damn good ping. Considering the fact that I use around 1.5TB - 2.5TB per month of data I would say that I'm pretty happy with their service.
  6. You might want to check those numbers, a 737 has a wingspan between 102 to 138 ft, 1 ft is very small.
  7. I'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but Havok isn't a game, it's a physics engine that games use.
  8. Check out something called SFML, it's a very good graphics API that's very easy to learn and integrate into C++.
  9. For the IDE I would recommend Visual Studio 2013 community edition, it has everything that you need. You don't need DirectX / OpenGL, if you want you can create it using just the console but I would recommend SFML, it is very easy to pick up and use. But from your post I get the opinion that you have no programming experience, you may want to start small and learn the basics without using any graphics libraries.
  10. To me it seems like your problem is understanding the principals of Object Oriented Programming, you might want to do some reading up. It's too big of a topic for me to really explain right now.
  11. http://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming Has some very good resources.
  12. Personally I don't use an IDE when coding JavaScript, I just use Notepad++.
  13. I've put what I think each method should do. Let me know if you need more help. It would also help to be able to see the object class. public class GameOfLifeBoard extends Object{ private boolean[][] current; private boolean [][] next; public GameOfLifeBoard(String file_name){ // In here you should read in the file. } public int rows(){ // Return the amount of rows. } public int columns(){ // Return the amount of colunms. } private boolean isBetween(int low, int value, int high){ // No idea. return true; } public void toggle(int row, int column){ // I'm going to assume that if it's alive then change it to dead and visa versa. } public boolean isAlive(int row, int column){ // Return whether or not the object in this specific location is alive or not. return true; } public int neighbours(int row, int column){ // Return the cells around the current one. return 0; } public boolean lives(boolean occupied, int neightbours){ // Not sure return true; } private void nextGeneration(){ // No idea. } public void printNeighbours(){ // Pretty obvious from the name, print the surrounding neighbours. } public String toString(){ // Again pretty self explanatory, convert something to a string. return null; } }
  14. It's over 20 hours of new content, you can't expect all that for just £3, that's just stupid.
  15. Vessel: Sneaky2k12 https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1 https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf The video quality on Vessel doesn't look anywhere near as good as YouTube.
  16. Assuming you're talking about Notch, he sold Mojang to Microsoft for $2 billion.
  17. But they sign into their own Steam profile, which downloads stuff from the Steam Workshop that could be cheats.
  18. It says in the part that you quoted that the trap is early on in the game, plus there's a demo version of the game on Steam so the pirate it to try it reason is kind of bullshit here.
  19. How is it news if it's from over a year ago though? Surly it would be best to post it in the general discussion section instead.