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  1. And With the usefulness of 3 gpus I would be able to destroy at folding@home
  2. Since I already have a 290x and the price of a 295x2 just keeps declining I might get one of those later on
  3. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/x9gcLk I have a r9 290x sitting around that I'm going to put in it its going to power 1 1080p monitor Is there anything I did wrong in this build that I might later regret my budget is $1500 and I'd rather stay below it Or at it I will also host game servers off it that's why I thought 16gb ram might be better than 8
  4. My left click button only registers 60% of the time but I guess if you buy cheap you get cheap it served me well the year I had it but now I'm in need of a new mouse *wink wink*
  5. Vessel - Modio1234 Video's 1- https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 2- https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy
  6. its going to be in the backseat so on long rides the people in the back dont have to sit in silence for hours
  7. So it probably doesnt have enough power in thr cigerette ligher so it would be better just to wire it from the battery?
  8. But does the cigerette lighter let out that much power
  9. So i want to put a 23' monitor and a xbox one in the back seat of my car knowing that the monitor uses 45w and the xbox uses ~100w would that be to much power to use a cigerette lighter inverter