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Everything posted by smeek14

  1. So I purchased the Samsung galaxy tab s2. I only get about 3.5 hours of battery life. Can anyone help me?
  2. I think GodlyGamer23 is a bit jelly of my record ;)

  3. Which one will be available in the US?
  4. Which cpu is better? I hear that the Galaxy s7 will have 2 versions with both cpu's.
  5. I have an m8. Its almost 2 years old but it's still really fast and the battery lasts a full day. Its not even much slower than the iPhone 6s at all.
  6. iphones are gay get a gaxy s7 when it comes out
  7. Upgrade in 2 months when the galaxy s7 comes out.
  8. I personally love it. It is very repetitive but that's what I like. It runs over 60 fps on my gtx 970 all the time maxed out. It has never dropped below 60 at all. No glitches either.
  9. Get a MacBook pro 15 inch. You will look really cool with a apple logo.
  10. Why do so many people (especially companies? Still use it? I mean it's 14 years old and unsupported.
  11. Better bass for me is more powerful. Thanks for your suggestion. It doesn't need an amp does it?
  12. Oh also I want them to last more than a year.
  13. Hi. A year ago I purchased the Monster Turbines for $150. I liked them. I thought that they sounded good and had good bass. Thy recently broke. I'm looking for a new pair for under $150 with good sound and great bass response. They have to be as good or better than the monster turbines. My main genres are electronic dubstep and rap. My phone is an HTC one m8. I will be getting the galaxy s7 next spring. I would like to spend under $100 on the iem's if possible. Thanks in advance!!
  14. I've had my m8 for almost 2 years. No dust issues. Still the same loudness.
  15. Hey thanks all for the help. Much appreciated.
  16. How can I find out if I have static or dynamic? I would like to know how to change both my routers ip and my computers ip.
  17. Hi all. I was wondering what would be a way to change my iPod address without the use of a vpn.
  18. HTC evo 4g. Got it when I was 12. I'm 18 now. Still works although bit slow. I'm getting the galaxy s7 when it comes out next spring.
  19. how????? Ios7 made their crappy os much better.