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Some of you have been asking what bird I'm using as a profile icon:


It's an Eastern AsRok. It's a pretty rare bird that likes long walks on the beach and decimating villages. #TypicalSundayAfternoon 



I'm kidding, guys. #NotSponsoredYet


  1. Crunchy Dragon
  2. Murasaki
  3. ARikozuM


    As-ROK? Like a roc, mythological bird? 

  4. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    Oh I was thinking As-ROCK as in the motherboard and soon to be GPU company...

  5. ARikozuM


    Completely understandable mistake, happens all the time. We're both in the tech field, namely motherboards, but we measure our clocks in gigachirps and we rely on Intel Peep-Packet TechnologyTM. Our GPUs will be optimized for 50 millet-hashes per seconds since "mega" doesn't tell us what kind of hash we're giving you. 

  6. ARikozuM


    @Energycore What bird am I using anyway? 
