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    Alfred14 reacted to ChalkChalkson in Unraid guide   
    EDIT: This is heavily outdated and half the stuff in here doesn't work anymore due to some repos no longer being maintained. I probably won't be updating it though since A - time, B - my current setup is pretty different, C - I think other people can do this better.
    What is unraid and how does it work Components installing unraid setting up the shares configuring your router plugins and docker OpenVPN Plex Apache MineOS backups crontab further reading 1-Preamble
    When it comes down to it unraid is a linux distribution, under the hood it uses a standard linux kernel and kvm, so in theory you can do everything unraid can with open-source freeware. Note however, that the UI and a few of the plugins definitely are worth the 50 bucks you pay for it.
    The NAS side works the following way:
    You have shares, which can be exported via SMB or NFS, so you can access them over the network like any other drive. The files are then distributed on the actual drives, but not striped, so even if you lose 2 drives at the same time, you wouldn't lose all the data. Each share has its own privacy rules. but non are encrypted by default.
    The parity is something rather interesting, each part of the parity drive holds the value of all other drives x-ored, so you can rebuild any one drive. Note that this only works, when you replace that drive on its own, not, when you replace 1 failed drive with 2. Adding a second parity allows any 2 drives to fail but that math is orders of magnitude harder.
    Here is what you need for a server:
    CPU (should go with at least a modern dualcore) Motherboard Power Supply Case A USB drive (should go with at least 8GB) 2 or more Harddrives (see below) With the harddrives there are a few things to consider, first, a failing harddrive is a real danger to your data, no matter what you do, so you shouldn't go with the sketchiest drives you can find, but you also don't need anything fancy. Also: you should get a drive that is at least as large, as the largest drive you want to add in the future.
    If you want to have a proper backup, you need all the components twice of course.
    3-installing unraid
    First start downloading the unraid server zip from this page, then insert your USB drive, rightclick in the explorer, hit format, select FAT32 and name it 'UNRAID'.
    After that, put all files from the zip onto the flashdrive and execute "makebootable.bat" as administrator. Now insert it into the newly built computer.
    Go into the BIOS and set USB as the top boot priority.
    Now you can unplug keyboard and screen from the server, you won't need them anymore.
    Go to your normal PC, open a browser and type in "http://tower" and hit enter. On the page you will land on you can either get a trial key or copy-paste your key.
    First things first: you want to set a password for your "root" (admin) account:
    Go to the "users" tab, click on the "root" account and add a password. Hit "done".
    After you got that sorted out, go to the "Main" tab. Now select your largest drive as parity and put the others in as disks.
    Now just hit the format button and, when finished, start the array.
    Now this depends heavily on usecase, I decided that the best option for me is giving each server 2 shares, one being the "main" share of that server, the other one holding backups of the other one's main share.
    To create shares, go to the "Shares" tab, click add share, type in the name and optionally select "use cache drive", I would advise to keep the rest unchanged. Hit "add share".
    Now, you can select the export settings, if your household is only using windows (apart from the unraid server(s)) you can just hit "done". If you have linux machines that are supposed to be able to access the data, you need to enable NFS. 
    If you want to make it only accessible to certain people, hit "done" for the moment, go to the "users" tab, create a new user, go back to the "shares" tab, click the name of the share, and select "private" or "secure" for all exports. "secure" means only the selected users have write access, but everyone has read access, "private" gives no permission to other users.
    Usually you should make it "secure" with read/write for root.
    5-The router
    First, you should think about what parts of the server you want to make public. I would recommend only making a potential website, a VPN and potentially your Plex public.
    Here are some common ports:
    HTTP (Websites) Port 80
    Plex Port 32400
    OpenVPN Port 1194 (changeable) 
    Minecraft Port 25565
    CoD 4 Ports 28960 20800 20810
    Now go to your router page (most commonly and add a port forward from port 80 to port 80 on the IP of your server.  Use a page like this one to check whether it is open or not and immediately delete this port forward!
    If the port did not show up as open, give your ISP a call and ask whether you are on IPv4 and whether your IP is capsuled. Try to sound annoyed and ask them to give you your own IPv4, while you are at it, you could also ask, whether you have a DNS running, and what the domain for it is and, if not, whether your IP is static. After they worked their magic, try again.
    Now just forward all the ports to your server. If you want to host a website (public port needs to be 80), do not forward to the internal port 80, use 8080 internally instead, otherwise anyone can access the settings of you unraid server and thus your private network.
    6-plugins and docker
    Time to add stuff to listen to these ports.
    First, lets add the unofficial, "app store". Go to the plugins tab, install plugins and copy paste this url:
    After this is done, go to the new "Apps" tab and search for "openvpn". Install the "OpenVPN Server" and, if you want to back up the server to another one in a different network, install the "OpenVPN Client" on the other one. While you are at it, go to the "docker" tab, click add container, select the "plex" template and hit "done". 
    Now go to "settings", openVPN Server, "OpenVPN Server Cert/Misc" and configure to your desire, 2048bit RSA is still considered safe, but the only trade off for using 4096bit is a bit of time during signing and connecting. I'd also change the path to store server and client certificates to "/boot/config/plugins/openvpnserver/" for convince sake. Hit "save configuration" and go to the next tab. Here you could leave anything at default as well, but if you already have a DNS it doesn't hurt to specify your domain.
    Hit "save" and go to the first tab.
    Install EasyRSA with the button and generate the server certificate. Go to the clients, keep the default selected and type in the certificate name (doesn't really matter). Go to the first tab again and start the openvpn server.
    Now navigate to the path you specified for the client certificates to be stored in ("boot" is exported as "flash") and go into the folder with the name of your client certificate. Copy the ".ovpn" file.
    On the client side (could be another unraid server, or your PC, install the client software and navigate to the openVPN folder.
    Windows: C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config , unraid with plugin: \\[ServerIP]\flash\config\plugins\openvpnclient and store the certificate there.
    At this point you really want a either a static IP or a DNS. I decided to buy a domain from No-IP, but this service also offers free (ugly) domains.After you registered your domain and account, go to the "apps" tab and search for "noip" and install. Now navigate to \\[ServerIP]\appdata\No-Ip\ and edit the .config file (I'd recommend Notepad++) and fill in your information. Save, go to the "Docker" tab and start No-IP (might also want it to auto-start), if your information in the .config file is correct it will start, otherwise it won't. 
    Now you can navigate back to the .ovpn file on your client, edit it with Notepad++ and change the first line to "remote [yourdomain].[tld]".
    Congratulations, after saving you should now be able to remote into the network where your server is at any time like
    Plex is way easier to set up, after you added a container using the plex preset, you are almost good to go. Click the plex-icon under "Docker", click "edit", "Add another path/port/variable" name it however you please, under container path just type /plex or /movies etc. under host path type /mnt/user/[your share]/[folder] give it read/write access and hit "apply". Now start the plex server, click the icon again to open the "web-ui". Login or register, press "add library" and select the folder you specified as /plex or /movies in the last step. Press "next" and "done".
    Now you can access your movies from everywhere by either getting a plex app or just typing "[yourdomain].[tld]:32400" into your browser.
    [If you want something similar for mine-os (minecraft server) and or apache (a website), please comment. I think these are pretty niche things]
    So, you want a website and already have your website as a .html file(s), but are wondering how to get it out there? My answer: get a professional web-hosting service. 
    But if you really want to host it yourself Apache is a good solution. 
    First step: go to your router again and add a forward from port 80 to port 8080 on your server, I can only say it again, do not forward anything to port 80 on your server!
    Now go to the "Apps" tab, search for "Apache" and "Apache" by "linuxserver". 
    You will be send to a Docker configuration page. Here you need to change "Host Port 1" from 80 to 8080.
    Hit "apply", then "done".
    Go to the "Docker" tab, click on the Apache icon and press restart. Now wait for the page to reload.
    Open explorer and navigate to apache on the "appdata" share. 
    Place your .html file(s) directly in the folder "www" and make sure the page people are supposed to land on is named "index.html"
    Hit the apache logo in the "Docker" tab again, restart and wait for the page to refresh.
    Now you should have a nicely working website!
    To get a (or in fact multiple) Minecraft servers running, you should install MineOS. To to "apps" search for MineOS and install. 
    On the docker configuration page change the variable in "key1" to change your password, then hit apply and done.
    Go to the "Docker" tab, click the MineOS icon and open the WebUI. If you have a decent browser installed you will now get a warning, pass that warning and login with account name "minecraft" and your password.
    Click on "manage profiles" now it depends a bit on what you want to do:
    If you just want a vanilla server click on "create stock profile" and select your version. Now wait for the page to refresh and press the green "update" button next to the new profile. Wait for the page to refresh again and check that there is a check mark in the "ok" column.
    Now click "create server" name it and continue to the next page. Configure to your liking (I'd leave the port at 25565). Hit next again and select "vanilla[game version]" as the profile and hit submit.
    You'll be redirected to the "Dashboard", click the name of your server and hit start.
    The server will shut down after a few moments, refresh the page and navigate to the server again. Where there used to be the "start server" button, there should now be a "accept EULA" one. Accept the EULA and start your server.
    If you something more sophisticated, like a forge server click "create custom profile" and use a variation on the following settings
    profile name: "forge-installer" type: standalone, runnable jar Download URL: http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.11.2- save download as: forge-installer-1-11-2 jarfile to run: forge-installer-1-11-2 jarfile arguments: --installServer Hit the update button and wait for the refresh and check that the check-mark is there under "ok".
    Now click "create server" name it and continue to the next page. Configure to your liking (I'd leave the port at 25565). Hit next again and select "forge-installer" as the profile and hit submit.
    You'll be redirected to the "Dashboard", click the name of your server and hit start.
    After a few moments the server will shut down again.
    Create another profile with a variation of the following settings:
    profile name: forge-1-11-2 type: unmanaged jarfile to run: forge-1.11.2- jarfile arguments: Now click the name of your server on the Dashboard again, go to "server.config" and change the first variable to "forge-1-11-2".
    Now start your server.
    You might need to refresh the page and accept the EULA before the server starts.
    Now we come to the nice parts: For this you need 2 servers that can see each other (eg over the vpn you set up). The IP of the main server will be the IP of the backup server will be from now on. The folder you want to backup is in the share "share" and is called "important" and the backup shall be stored in the share "backup". 
    I will now assume you are working on windows. Open the old control panel, programs, programs and feature. On the left hand side, select "active windows features" and select the "Telnet client".
    Hit windows and r, to open the "execute" window, type in "telnet" and hit enter. Use "root" as your login. 
    Type in:
    rsync -avz -e ssh /mnt/user/share/important root@ you might need to confirm and enter your credentials now, so this isn't good for regular backups, but a great way to test, whether it works at all.
    Assuming that it works, you now want a certificate, so you can back up without prompts whenever you want. So execute the following command:
    "ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f /root/.ssh/rsync-key" when promted for a password just hit enter.
    scp /root/.ssh/rsync-key.pub root@ now switch to the other server with
    telnet here you need to make the newly generated key an authorised key (hit enter after each like):
    then mkdir .ssh chmod 700 .ssh fi mv rsync-key.pub .ssh/ cd .ssh/ if [ ! -f authorized_keys ]; then touch authorized_keys ; chmod 600 authorized_keys ; fi cat rsync-key.pub >> authorized_keys chmod 700 .ssh/ chmod 600 .ssh/rsync-key.pub chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys Now go back top the other server:
    telnet And check out if it works or not:
    rsync -avz -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/rsync-key" /mnt/user/share/important root@ Now you just need to make it sick for the next reboot:
    cp /root/.ssh/* /boot/config/sshroot/ cd /root/.ssh cp /boot/config/sshroot/* /root/.ssh/ chmod 600 * [Big thanks to tr0910 who wrote this post on the unraid forum, this ssh based solution is way more elegant than my previous one]
    Also note, that rsync works both ways: by switching the order of the folders, you copy data the other way
    So, now you have a simple 1 line solution to back up folders, but you don't want to do it manually, you want the machine to remember. A solution for this is cron.
    First step is making sure cron is doing its thing, just execute:
    crontab -l If you see a whole bunch of commented lines roll by, you are good.
    Open up explorer and navigate to \\\flash\config\plugins and make a folder called "cron", make a new text file and rename it to "backup.cron" (make sure you override the .txt ending)
    I will now assume you want to back up at 3:30 every tuesday, here you can read more on the time format of cron.
    30 3 * * 2 rsync -avu --numeric-ids --progress  -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/rsync-key  -T  -o Compression=no -x "  /mnt/user/share/important  root@ save the file.
    Now go back into the telnet window and execute:
    cd /boot/config/plugins/cron crontab backup.cron crontab -l if it displays the line inside your cron file, you are good.
    But note this will only move new files to the backup share. 
    To get the IMO best possible result, jump over to the backup server
    telnet and repeat the process for a new cron file on that server called "movebackup.cron" containing the following code:
    20 3 * * 2 shopt -s extglob 21 3 * * 2 cd /mnt/user/SyncedShare/ 22 3 * * 2 mkdir "Backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" 23 3 * * 2 mv ls !("Backup-"*) "Backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" This will create a folder with the date of the backup in the name and move the synced files there every week
    If there are folders that only contain files that don't change and are too big to reasonable sustain this process (like movies or pictures) create folders for them in the "important" folder and replace the last line in movebackup.cron with:
    23 3 * * 2 mv ls !("Backup-"*|movies|pictures) "Backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"  
    Note that from my understanding the "ls" shoudn't be needed, but without it it did not work in my case.
    13-Further reading:
    Getting started with unraid
    ssh rsync setup
    a random linux shell tutorial i just googled
    [Screenshots will be added on request]
  2. Agree
    Alfred14 got a reaction from leadeater in NBN CEO Bill Morrow Says "Aussie's Don't need fast Internet"   
    From my interpretation they are going to supply there own cabling to houses within the town just like that company in New Zealand that had a similar competition.
  3. Agree
    Alfred14 got a reaction from DH in Looking for headphons   
    Spell check before posting?
  4. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to Maleko in Show off your latest purchases   
    Upgraded to the Nexus 6P!

  5. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to FmPhenom in Show off your latest purchases   
    Curvy 4k 3d greatness B)  B) B)  B)  

  6. Like
    Alfred14 got a reaction from Chris_R. in Monitor HELLLP   
    DVI-D will do 144hz but DVI-I won't.
    I would make sure the adaptor supports the correct bandwidth?
  7. Like
    Alfred14 got a reaction from GoldSrc in Pic's of your desk as it is with out cleaning.   
    I love the desktop background! have you got a link?
  8. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to TheSLSAMG in Jayztwocents has lost it...   
    Wow, you're real nice.
    JayzTwoCents has done a fair bit about his weight. He used to weigh way more than he does now, and still bikes daily to lose more and stay fit. Just because a guy probably slips on a couple of words though means you have to result to being a shitty human being.
  9. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to Blew in DFM coming may 29 :D (if it doesn't get delayed again...) | may 28 UPDATE: delayed... :/   
    This is DayZ all over again. Too much hype, not enough accurate release time frames.
  10. Like
    Alfred14 got a reaction from EChondo in Broadwell PCs available before Holiday Season   
    From the article.
  11. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to xToFxREAPER in Logitech G520 Proteus Core Gaming mouse2   
    Heyy ltt. So i noticed a new toy at one of local stores today and decided i just had to pick it up, The first time i saw the proteus core i wanted it but never saw them around until today so i bought the last one in the store So lets start simple i suppose.
    Now for anyone else that has read my reviews previously you would know that packaging matters to me. The way i see it If your making something nice package it atleast as nicely and this is something i think the proteus did very nicely. The box is clean and tasteful not overloaded with logos or features or branding. They keep it small and simple and to be honest i think this is the smallest box any of my mice has ever come in meaning they avoided needless waste material. Basic specs of the mouse are all on the side of the box, Weighting system and what not is tastefully added on the back. There is a magneticly closed flap on the front that lets you see and (sort of) get a feel for the mouse with a small snippet from logitech pushing their product
    First Impressions
    When i first got this mouse un packed and held it without even plugging it in i could tell i was going to love it. By default all the weights are removed making the mouse quite light. For reference by a rough guess my naga 2012 edition feels almost twice as heavy! The rubber textured grips felt really weird and almost uncomfortable at first but after about and hour with the mouse they feel amazing in my hand. For reference i have roughly the same size hands as linus maybe a little bit larger, i find i can either palm or claw this mouse nicely depending on what game im playing and which buttons i need to be able to click. Overall the mouse feels very solid and extremely well built, i feel as though i could throw it at a spider and it would come out of it without a mark The cable is very nicely braided, the cable itself its quite thick compared to the nagas cable though thats neither a pro nor a con just something i felt worth noting.
    Shape And Comfort
    I have been using this mouse for a little over a week now playing mostly diablo 3, at first i felt it was to narrow and to long and was rather displeased. After a few days i found my hand fatigue and soreness in my wrist from hours upon hours of diablo 3 and forum lurking i find it far more comfortable then my naga. I have swapped the pieces in and out of the naga in an attempt to match the comfort i get out of this mouse and i just dont think its possible, atleast not for my hands.
    Features and performance
    Now a lot of people i know will say "well a mouse is a mouse.. right?" and they couldnt be more wrong. I have collected a few mice over the past two years including a rat7 contagion edition, Roccat Kone+ the razer naga 2012 edition among others and i can easily say this is by far my favorite mouse. Why? Is it the 12,000 dpi optical sensor? partially yes but more then anything its the customizability of it. With the weighting system you can balance the weights were you want them be it towards the front, rear or either side. The sensor tracks extremely well and can be re calibrated within seconds for optimal tracking on whatever surface it is you happen to use, In my case i use the diablo 3 reaper of souls collectors edition mouse pad which has a plastic coating on it and it tracks far smoother then my naga ever has (i will be referencing my naga a lot as it has been my go to mouse for a long while now) regardless of the surface or whether you re calibrated it. All buttons on the mouse are placed in fantastic locations and can be very easily accessed even when clawing the mouse save for the thumb button. The buttons can be programmed to whatever you want and if you have other logitech peripherals such as the g710+ the g13 or any other keyboard/keypad with g keys on it you can set one to be a g shift key meaning you effectively DOUBLE the buttons you have on your mouse by simply holding down a button on your keyboard and releasing it when you need a different programmed command. You can create custom macros, 3 on board profiles, you can set it to launch profiles based on what .exe you are launching and can set multiple profiles per exe which you can then set a button on either the mouse or other keyboard peripherals that will allow you to swap through those profiles on the fly. This is an extremely feature packed mouse that i could honestly write a mini novel about just to get all the features out there but to sum it up in a few words i can easily say this mouse can be set to do anything you want and becomes even more effective if you have other logitech peripherals to go along with it. 
    Final Thoughts
    This mouse has the most solid platform atleast in my opinion of any mouse i have tested in the past 2 years, it feels amazing in your hands, with the rubber textured grips it takes little effort to lift and move should you need to and you dont have to worry about accidentally pressing a button like you would on the naga. Between the amazing weighting system and probably the hands down best software and programmability make this my new go to mouse for years to come. Everything about this mouse just feels very high end and your definitely getting your moneys worth out of this product and i would whole heartedly recommend this product to any friends family or fellow forums members that are in the market for a new mouse
    Thanks for reading my review guys im still new to this kind of thing so any friendly constructive criticism would be fantastic also, Would this review sell you on this product if you were in market for a mouse? Do you have any experience with this product and feel i forgot something i should add? let me know and ill do my best to improve the review every chance i get.
  12. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to NICKT in This comment made me SMH :/   
    Nice to know I'm not the only one who has extreme concerns when it comes to this game and all it's aspects.
    Guy's have probably heard me complain more than enough about how they keep begging us to subscribe or that I hate how much everything costs and shit.
    Ugh, hopefully we end up getting a good product, because if this game isn't the greatest thing since bread that came sliced, then it's going to end up in the biggest shit storm the internet's ever seen.
  13. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to Thebman712 in Thank You Linus and Forums   
    I would like to thank Linus for making his epic videos and often put me in a good mood to start the day.
    But i also want to thank the rest of the people on the forums that have often helped me, and for being a great community, it has really change me for the better of tech being on these forums.
    Thank You everyone!!!!
          :lol:  :wub:  B)  :rolleyes:  :lol:        
    it makes me feel awesome sooing so many of you guys liking and agreeing with me, dam this is a fu**ing great community 
  14. Like
    Alfred14 got a reaction from Murdoch in The wan show 4/19/14   
    Really enjoyed the more relaxed show, i have even noticed the normal youtube vids become a bit more 'formal' and really feel sometimes like he is just reading from a script, i think the WAN show should try and deviate from that but i know sometimes it can be hard to just jump on the internet and start talking about stuff you need to have some structure but again really enjoyed this show and Jerry is a really good quest.
  15. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to Worth in 1 or 2 screens, what works best for you?   
    3, using less drives me crazy now.
  16. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to colonel_mortis in The wan show 4/19/14   
    I think part of what made that episode so much better was that they got sidetracked and off topic a lot more, talking about random but still interesting stuff, whereas normally they stick to the list of topics as much as possible, which sounds like a good thing but I guess it makes it seem a bit too dry/formal (still way less formal than stuff like The Tek, which I have stopped watching because it was too long and boring). I have watched all the recent WAN shows, and I definitely agree that this was the best one in ages, at least partly due to Barnacules/Jerry.
  17. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to cnapier39428 in The wan show 4/19/14   
    This was the best episode of the wan show since like November of last year imo... Jerry was an excellent guest, way better than he is on jayztwocents, and his personality goes well with Linus and slick. They should have him on more often he makes for a great show
  18. Like
    Alfred14 got a reaction from djdanster in GTA 5 PC Release Date Nearing? More Postings Revealed on Online Retailers; Details Revealed in June?   
    I know PC gamers are disappointed that the game hasn't come to their platform but i played it the game start to finish on a 360 and yes the graphics were just terrible but the actual gameplay was amazing and what they did with such minimal hardware was no mean feat.
    If it does come out on the PC the game will still be worth playing i will personally buy it again just to play with better graphics horsepower.
  19. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to Equlix in ASUS ROG SWIFT 1440P 120HZ MONITOR RELEASE DATE   
    gsync news has been completely dead for almost four months... its about time these thing got a dam launch date. do want.
  20. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to BigMic in Whats your favorite band?   

    or Pink Floyd

  21. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to LinusTech in Wireless Charging   
    Your PC's output voltage is also full of ripples and fluctuations. Bam.
  22. Like
    Alfred14 got a reaction from bluepoodleguy in Mozilla CEO resigns over anti-gay marriage controversy   
    Yeah Tygron i don't see why every time something like this happens people straight up call for heads to be chopped!
    Its not like a law was broken. I can understand why the company does it because when the general public creates a negative image of the company because of what a CEO did a few years ago but i just don't get why people make such a big deal about it i mean the guy is entitled to his own views surely? 
  23. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to 0s4x in Mozilla CEO resigns over anti-gay marriage controversy   
    Even as a gay man I agree with this 100%. One man's views do not (usually) affect the quality of the products his company makes.
  24. Like
    Alfred14 reacted to Tygron in Mozilla CEO resigns over anti-gay marriage controversy   
    Yep. Hell I still go to Chick-Fil-e. Good food. And besides, everyone knows that's a Christian run store or at least their beliefs (if the people running the individual stores aren't) are. People are entitled to their beliefs and opinions, what's it stopping me from doing what I do or enjoying this or that product? Not a single thing. People get butthurt over the silliest things.
  25. Like
    Alfred14 got a reaction from Askew in Age of Mythology getting a Steam reboot :)   
    Great to see this getting a re-boot will definitely be playing!