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Everything posted by Neftex

  1. so, did you figure out the reason yet? (hint it has to do with naming, as i already said) working example is in attachments (removed stuff that isnt important for this) src.zip
  2. what do you mean by this? isnt that exactly what youre doing? @Avocado Diaboli is telling you the simple way to start programming (aka overclock in your metaphor) while you are trying to get the degree before you enrolled a single class. not even, youre asking other people to do the study for you and give you results
  3. first of all fix the naming, class names start with capitals, variables start with lowercase, then fix formatting now i could be totally wrong but you have 2 bean definitions of the same class (A, B) but when youre autowiring you dont specify which one to use? - not applicable since youre using autowiring by name from the looks of it, this is exactly what youre trying to do: https://springframework.guru/autowiring-in-spring/
  4. i keep seeing questions from you about similar things. look if you want more convenient programming language, why are you learning C?
  5. you could get a thermal putty instead, then you dont have to look for specific thickness of each pad
  6. the average depends on games you play, so no its not always a positive
  7. @starsmine my point stands, depending on what games you play you might want to have ReBAR disabled.
  8. i love how some people dish out misinformation so confidently Resizable BAR does not always improve performance, there are cases where the performance is worse examples https://youtu.be/-w0PI_aJJXI?t=251&feature=shared
  9. @SorryBella @Zando_ what do you think hurts AMD sales more - the comparisons showing DLSS is superior to FSR or this outrage that only pisses off people who have nvidia card? i dont like it but it might be the better business decision
  10. we dont have crystal balls here, youll need to give more info if you want anyone to give you good advice - your pc specs - what games - what settings use benchmark programs to compare against other 4070 ti cards, check reviews and try to run the same benchmark they did and compare
  11. @TheJudge91 youre copy pasting issues mentioned on other sites, you should look at the reality (im no genius but look at my implementation above) back button does not break because im not navigating the iframe, im navigating the whole browser tab iframes work fine with screen readers - "Generally, using iframes won’t negatively impact the experiences of people who use screen readers and other assistive technologies. However, iframes must have meaningful titles." https://www.boia.org/blog/why-are-iframe-titles-important-for-accessibility css styling works fine on the iframe, yes there are exceptions but they are not needed here i very much doubt performance/memory is a problem for a simple header menu apart from using static page generator like @maks112 mentioned, i think its the best option for a static website without javascript but since OP returned and said he changed his mind and going modern with javascript, then framework makes the most sense right now
  12. i just wanted to see if anyone can come up with a good enough reason to not use it in this specific case instead of the usual "iframe bad" with no justification
  13. @Sakuriru case 1 assumes he needs to do that and it seems to me he doesnt (in fact it seems he wants to avoid javascript because he didnt want to use the javascript solution he found) case 2 if you look at the bar, its 100% width and the links are centered. seems like there should be no problem with scaling unless he has like 15 links and tiny window case 3 hes not using any context right now, no mention of context in the post. i dont understand the second part about requiring two navigations - youre not navigating the iframe, the links in the iframe navigate the browser tab to a different page technical debt of 1 line of code in each page, assuming he will even need to change it other.htmlindex.htmlheader.html
  14. @oofki @Sakuriru im really interested in hearing why iframe is a bad solution in this specific case security? no issue here since its same origin page? loading multiple files? framework generated pages will also load multiple files, like javascript chunks? also the files are cached in browser anyway? not being able to load the iframe? the main page loads anyway, you just wont see the bar? compatibility? its been supported since forever? you get all this on a static website without even requiring javascript on the client + you dont need to learn any new language/framework/server tech (yes yes framework is better in a sense of user experience like not reloading the pages while navigating on the site) but if hes building a static website then why not iframe?
  15. well your idea was to use a framework or even server generated page for what seems to be a simple static website which to me seems overkill and unnecessary burden for the poster. if what he posted is really just what he needs then iframe makes the most sense to me
  16. im fairly sure the ease of use is worth it for loading 1 extra html file of few kilobytes on the page which im pretty sure will also get cached in the browser anyway
  17. i think you could make that bar a separate page and include it in the other pages through iframe something like this: https://codesandbox.io/s/goofy-williamson-9q877y?file=/index.html
  18. this isnt safe enough imo, especially since i wont be in control of the work OS how about some middleware OS that i could install on the work drive that would then boot the work OS with limited hardware access? i remember unraid was shown on the channel a while ago, would that work and perform well? I have 2 sata disks and 1 m.2 - I could install work OS on one of the sata disks and airgap it with a sata power switch extension like this one https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000601282955.html to prevent writes from personal OS. And with the middleware on the work drive i could probably disable access to the personal disks
  19. would help for read only, i would like to prevent writes as well
  20. I would like to have my system set up for work and for personal use. I have 3 disks, i plan to use one for work and the other 2 for personal use. Each use case will have its own Windows OS install. What i want to achieve is that work OS cant touch the data on personal disks and the other way around. I will not have full control of the work OS so settings there will not guarantee much. I wanted to disable the disks in bios but the board doesnt have that option. I cant air gap the disks because some are m.2 and i wont take the pc apart every time i want to boot the other OS. Is there a way to solve this?
  21. i think what hes trying to do is disable it because some websites open debugger and dont load when you do something they dont like (adblock, inspect element...)?
  22. theres many ways to fix it for example you could just copy paste it right under the toggle function call or you could do it as part of the toggle function or you could do it as part of the addition function (this would require more changes, because youre sending parameters to that function "before" that if statement runs)
  23. the reason why its not changing is because this part is only called once, not whenever you do the addition if (useRandom) { getNumber = getRandom() } else { getNumber = specNumber() }
  24. function toggleRandom() { useRandom = !useRandom } youre not using the return value of the function anyway, right? so the function could just assign the negated value to the variable?
  25. rewriting doesnt necessarily mean using new/different language. companies will want to save money which means choosing language where they can hire skilled people for less money or have their current employees do it