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  1. ONE here plz I like the way chines start making good phones. I like one plus 3 too. but why they are so scare to add more battery? That camera bump is annoying.
  2. Using Logitec G600 mouse, ear buds Sennheiser MX375, keybords Razer Orbweaver, because other did broke
  3. Have laptop, thinking of building a new PC.
  4. Kova White. Looks cool.
  5. Looking to buy a new mouse. Want to buy gaming but i don't have that kind of money just sitting around.
  6. Vessel user: ALFABETAS https://www.vessel.com/videos/Su_Wqd7Vl https://www.vessel.com/videos/DFJKi7CvB
  7. If i win this CPU. I am going to give it away to my friend. And he is going to be in my debt .