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  1. LMAOOOO Omg im resubmitting rn... thank youuuu
  2. Thanks for all your help I really do appreciate you walking me through everything.. well I submitted the assignment. What was the solution? Im curious now lol
  3. Lmao really? Gahd... std::string UserChoice = *(CARDS + *(user + i)); std::string GeneratedCard = *(CARDS)+*(generatedCards+i)); Thats what I have now and either way I have them I get the same unfortunate error... ooh lord.. 4 minutes
  4. Is this correct? std::string UserChoice = (*(CARDS) + (*(user + i)); std::string GeneratedCard = (*(CARDS)+(*(generatedCards+i)); I'm getting this: Error] no match for 'operator+' in '*(std::string*)(& CARDS) + *(user + ((sizetype)(((long long unsigned int)i) * 4ull)))'
  5. Thank you so much for all your help man, I am grateful for you. There are still good people left in the world lol
  6. I do not I have until 11:58 to turn this in. Madknight if you finish this block for me I will design you the sickest avi or signature or both ever. After that I get this error void DisplayCards (int *user, int *generatedCards) { cout << "Users Guess" << "\t\t\t" << "Generated Cards" << endl; cout<<"***************************************************"<<endl; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { // get the names of the choices from the deck std::string UserChoice = *(CARDS + *(user + i)); std::string GeneratedCard = *(CARDS)+*(generatedCards+i)); // print the names side by side cout << UserChoice<< "\t\t\t" <<GeneratedCard<< endl; [Error] no match for 'operator+' in '*(std::string*)(& CARDS) + *(generatedCards + ((sizetype)(((long long unsigned int)i) * 4ull)))'
  7. std::string UserChoice = (*(CARDS)+(*(user)); std::string GeneratedCard = (*(CARDS)+(*(generatedCards)); I think this is what you mean? But I am getting the error [Error] no match for 'operator+' in '*(std::string*)(& CARDS) + * user'
  8. However, the + and - give me this error... [Error] no match for 'operator-' in '*(std::string*)(& CARDS) - user'
  9. Won't change when i is increased.... std::string UserChoice = (*(CARDS-user)); ????
  10. So, something like std::string UserChoice = (*(CARDS+user)); ? Edit:You must hate me man lol I'm basically a toddler with c++ I'm asking the stupidest questions.
  11. void DisplayCards (int *user, int *generatedCards) { cout << "Users Guess" << "\t\t\t" << "Generated Cards" << endl; cout<<"***************************************************"<<endl; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { // Get the names of the choices from the deck std::string UserChoice = (*(CARDS+i)); std::string GeneratedCard = (*(generatedCards+i)); // print the names side by side cout << UserChoice<< "\t\t\t" <<GeneratedCard<< endl; } And I get the error [Error] invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' [-fpermissive] for generated cards
  12. OOH dear lord I swear i did that and it gave me an error haha is it strange to say I love you lollllll It did generate nothing like you said and is also only giving me the user input, my brain is so numb from staring at this code for days straight... so should i decrement cards *(deck + i - 1) in main like you suggested?
  13. Good lord I cannot figure it out, Madknight I shall do whatever you want if you can finish those two lines for me lol Im a decent graphic designer Im a very good writer.... haaaaaalp lolll
  14. Thank you soooo much , I'll report back soon. You are a blessing cout << "Users Guess" << "\t\t\t" << "Generated Cards" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { // Get the names of the choices from the deck std::string UserChoice = CARDS; std::string GeneratedCard = CARDS; // print the names side by side cout << UserChoice << "\t\t\t" <<GeneratedCards<< endl; } Am I on the right track? I am getting a weird error here, I can only input two pointers. Or std::string UserChoice = GetGuess(); std::string GeneratedCard = GenerateCorrectCards; Hmm
  15. madknight you've been more than enough help, but i am extremely desperate at this point lol What am I doing wrong with displaycards???? I know I need to get the integer... I just don't know how. Should I have some kind of accumulator in my bool func to pass to esp?