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When the overly white short kid in your gym class is unironically a trump supporter, a redneck, e d g y as fuck and a racist bigot



  1. vanished


    Not all trump supporters are like that though.  Some, I assume, are good people

  2. themctipers





    i know





    but this fucking kid lmao

  3. TVwazhere


    Honestly I try to assume either side's supporters are good people, its just that minority thats the most vocal and who's actions stand-out and get the attention by being (in this case racist, redneck, etc). Kinda like how 99.999% of Muslims are super nice and amazing people, but they get a bad rap because of Al Qaeda and ISIS

  4. 8uhbbhu8


    Soooo the epitome of a Drumpf supporter :P 

  5. Silentprototipe


    Sounds like half the people in my school

  6. themctipers


    whites are a minority here


