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Everything posted by ivan134

  1. Also the price comes from the fact that Asus always charges a premium for their name.
  2. Power color is a decent brand. They're AMD exclusive
  3. Get the red devil. Asus dual cooler is terrible
  4. Borderlands and Warframe are the better games in this genre, and I'm hoping Anthem is closer to those 2. From the little bit I've seen, it seems closer to those 2. I'm fine with no end game if the normal playthrough is really good, like Borderlands.
  5. Game is fun. I can't compare it to others because the last BF I played was bfbc2
  6. Smash Bros 64 Smash Bros Melee Borderlands 2 Transistor 007 Goldeneye Perfect Dark Power Stone 2 WarFrame Far Cry 3 Halo 1 PC Gears of War 1 PC
  7. What makes is suck? and I'm not sure how your friend's motherboard is related
  8. I know that, but it doesn't matter who owns them. If it's not govt owned, obviously a person or corporation owns them. They still register as news. For example, Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post. That doesn't mean they're registered as a retail company.
  9. Fox News is registered as an entertainment company and not a news one, so even their "news" shows don't have to abide by that.
  10. No, it shouldn't, and it never will. Your tax dollars don't fund them.
  11. They already do have well defined limitations. The problem is, freedom of speech doesn't apply to social media.
  12. Please, spare us your faux outrage. Why aren't you people calling for heavily regulating Fox News, BreitBart or National Review if you claim to care about "media affecting what the population sees and hear"?
  13. I'm not a free market guy. It was a tongue in cheek comment. I'm all for heavily regulating and taxing corporations.
  14. They're really having an issue with seeing something like Facebook as basically an extension of Mark Zukerberg's house. You cannot go into his house and do or say whatever you want. If it bothers them so much, they should start their own social media companies and allow all the conspiracy nut jobs run wild.
  15. You're talking about trading, and I'm talking about ownership. A company is either privately or publicly owned. Publicly owned means it's run by the government. Private is the opposite of that. You're correcting a straw man.
  16. Are you saying that China wasn't abusing human rights before the advent of social media?
  17. Okay, and? They're a private company. They can choose to let their users see only what they choose. When I go to BreirtBart or National Review, are they infringing on my rights by not posting factual news?