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Everything posted by XiaoPigs

  1. I really hope they'll put some of the other limited edition ships on sale again I missed the period where I could buy them and don't really wanna use the reddit to buy one since I don't really trust it and all.
  2. Feel free to buy a package and sign up man, the more the merrier. The game won't even be released until next year. The dogfighting module is set to come out around april just shortly after PAX East and Alpha between April and August. Here's a link. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AqW08GvTSbBxdDZseWItWUs3ZW5ONjVqNVVxV19qSkE&gid=4
  3. Thanks to Slick for the shoutouts again We're now at 832 members guys. Do remember to fill out the survey thing which is highlighted in yellow(appears at the top of the chat)http://puu.sh/711YB.jpg showing the url to the survey so that it doesn't mess up the results. Edit: Oh yea 111 more people till we get second place guys. So yea
  4. Well I'm too excited for Star Citizen. Halp pls

    1. _ASSASSIN_


      Ur back u catfish :D

  5. Yes although you'll need to get the ship pledge with access to alpha and beta in order in apply. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/single-ship-packages The cheapest package which gives you alpha and beta access is the aurora mr + package. After that just head over to https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/UOLTT
  6. Man that's just like Singapore's National Service LOL. Every able bodied young man at the age of 18 has to serve 2 years in the military here.
  7. Teamspeak cause I trust it and I have used it for years already. Not a big fan of Raidcall or Mumble. Haven't tried Vent before.
  8. You can always melt down(turn into store credit) your 300i that you bought. You would only have to pay the excess for the 325a
  9. We don't do piracy here We're "mercenaries" and "privateers" But you can do piracy on your own time if you want to. If you get caught doing so just say you're on a job or something.
  10. Currently yes. But there will definitely be other ships that are gonna be released down the road that might be better though
  11. You go to your settings. Scroll down till you see the xmpp token, click the pencil looking logo and it'll regenerate the xmpp token. That should fix it.
  12. Not really but if they do, they'll either announce it or like have a newsletter telling you about it.
  13. That title was from like a long time ago when the group was first created. Slick says there's currently no way to change it so yea, that's we stuck with Conglomerate.
  14.    The game will be officially out early 2015 but those of us who already in the organsiation will be playing both the alpha and beta. The alpha will probably start between April and August while the Dogfighting Module will come out April. http://starcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/Anticipated_Release_Schedule