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  1. hdr10 is a standard for HDR in general. hdr400 is a substandard from VESA to specify maximum of 400 nits Better to look at what monitor/screen you use now and compare it spec wise to one you're looking at.. 400 still isn't a lot of brightness for HDR.
  2. Whilst i'd love it having been a fan since before even Man of Steel.. He's a busy man who built his own PC anyway.. So pointless to try and even get him on LTT as there's no reason for it.
  3. I dream of my monitor just turning on quickly when I turn it on. Bored of so many monitors taking several seconds to switch on and have a splash screen ect...
  4. I guess you could say Fractal has been Fractured by his departure.
  5. Looks a bit excessive to me - never had a monitor or TV that bad.
  6. Buy an old Pixel 1. Transfer files to it. Upload to photos via the phone. Unlimited forever
  7. I look forward to having this in my phone in 2178. Sounds like another "break through" that never makes it to product development.. let alone end consumer devices.
  8. if you're buying the parts amazon aria pc overclockers ebuyer mymemory scan CCL Online box.co.uk are all good options for finding parts
  9. Just use a 3rd party tool like Handbrake. It can usually utilise up to 6 cores but it depends on video codes too when it comes to transcoding.
  10. But how do you prove the scam was a real scam and people don't just then scam their friends to then scam apple? Tough luck people. Live and learn from your mistakes.
  11. Sounds like a twitter employee who had access to user account management panel had their login compromised which then enabled this... or an app updated with a rouge permission that allowed tweeting to their account..