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Everything posted by c3p0_

  1. Aha. Bevor du Tips gibst lern erst mal ne Cpu einzusetzen du Vollflasche. Idiotischer Kommentar von dir mal wieder
  2. Ich werd eh nur mehr überlesen.. Bei gta bin euch auch scheisegal. Also ja, was soll ich noch da?
  3. Tja tschüss thread. War nett
  4. Morgen! Arschlöcher
  5. Done now? k. Sorry to be a troublesome person. Therefor refrain from quoting me in this club. I'll go and find an animeforum for such things from now on. Thank you. Bye
  6. Not really. Actual got comrade banned to don't bitch me.
  7. Here's some action Still searching from what it is.
  8. Ok. I see you. Now what? Grats
  9. http://www.stardock.com/products/start8/or technical preview.
  10. Du armer Mensch :lol: :lol: Heute wars doch eh so schön draußen. Hab das Fahrrad mal ausgegraben. So langsam geht's ja wieder.
  11. Aus einem Tag werden halt mehr. Morgen wird da keiner arbeiten. Ist ja nicht so tragisch ^^
  12. Sniff Sniff doch kein Ram. Naja alles klar.
  13. Damnit, okay. Thanks for the help Tehe but saved this from dmca takedown. Yt is not nice with their strikes. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BylNB1vw7DCXZUpEcEQ4NmNlNEk&authuser=0
  14. c3p0_


    Lol you doing it wrong. Put the logitech in the middle and the sony on the outside instead.
  15. Do pillowshelters help against flood of gta threads? :s

    1. Decon


      lol what's going on with your profile?

    2. GrimNeo


      Where you go c3p0_? Come back

  16. c3p0_

    Decided to try out Crunchyroll's free trial to…

    Just stream them from wherever they are on. Since my isp has dynamic ips they don't care lol.
  17. c3p0_

    WAN in JAPAN

    Half of the responses are shitposts. Oh well I don't rely on the mods anymore.
  18. Meant with normal singers but almost there
  19. http://www.paketda.de/paket-abstellerlaubnis.php#vordruck-abstellgenehmigung
  20. With this internet I should consider a hard copy ;-; Even when it's 12mb/s at 1am when nobody is online