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Some people have an uncanny ability to just ruin your day with just a few tens of minutes spent with them... I wonder why i keep in contact with them...

  1. Bogica


    Some family members? For me it's some family members and 1 friend that have that ability and I'm thinking of telling them to F off permanently. :D

  2. Maheshvara


    Not really... This girl i've known for over 10 years. We used to be in the same class in high school, and luckily, i won't be spending much time with here after it... She acts as she pleases. At one moment she's great, at the next you hate her...

  3. Bogica


    Oh, so like a childhood friend? That tends to happen, people start taking other people, that have been around for long, for granted. :/

    I don't have any useful advice for that, sorry mate. Tried telling her that? :)

  4. Maheshvara


    Nothing like a childhood friend, more like a childhood acquaintance. I'm at the point where i just want to tell here everything in her face... She act way too spoiled...
