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If you are missing a new office campaign badge please message me the first+last name for your paypal!

  1. The Pizza Thief

    The Pizza Thief

    Just got mine, Thanks!

  2. linusforsell


    You haven't started on the custom ones yet, right?

  3. JoaoPRSousa


    Congrats on posting a status update xD

    I am not missing one ATM, because I don't have one, but I will! :D

  4. werto165


    how long are you running the campaign? I don't get payed until the end of the month.

  5. JoaoPRSousa


    I want to know as well. My debit card just expired and I need a new one ;_;

  6. hypnodog


    At least I wasn't the only one with a missing badge...and congrats on finally updating your status lol

  7. melias24


    Still need to do that!!
