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Everything posted by solomongrundy

  1. not much you can do but to replace it again.
  2. take ownership: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-take-ownership-to-explorer-right-click-menu-in-vista/
  3. I think you to to re-read his post. Not only does she already have a boyfriend, he's going to build a pc for her with his own money.
  4. she's not a prostitute. I think it's a bad idea...especially if she has a boyfriend. move on original poster...stop wasting your money.
  5. Who's Sessler and why does his opinion matter? is he some gaming jesus? i saw somebody play the first 20 minutes of this game on youtube, and the story and graphics and quicktime events look fantastic to me. It's definitely my kind of game.
  6. no thanks. not going to watch that "hayyy u guiissee" guy. Not until he starts talking like a normal person and not like a moronic news anchor. And secondly, he needs to put that camera way the hell back. Nobody needs to see him that close.
  7. yeah, the second half of the Samsung Note 3 video was brutal to watch...he sounded like he was about to lose consciousness right there.
  8. how the heck is microcenter able to get away with these pricings? it boggles the ol' noggin.
  9. Staples had no issues with price matching? i'm assuming you bought it from their online site?
  10. Jesse Pinkman...bitch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=e73J71RZRn8#t=83
  11. Almost Human just started. Seems pretty good. If you liked Fringe, then I think you'll like this one too.
  12. infinite money...buy some island on the pacific ocean and live out the rest of days with my own world peace. i guess i'm selfish.
  13. in order to make sure your router isnt the issue, you have to plug in the modem directly since you cant even access the router's admin page. i would take the pc close to the modem . does the modem look like it has all the status lights on? what modem is it?
  14. have you tried plugging the modem directly into your pc?
  15. do you even know how cpus work? what kind of a cpu do you have that doesn't throttle itself down at idle?
  16. qualcomm is starting their world domination, it would seem.
  17. Thank you, sir. I'll take a look at this app...looks promising.
  18. I'm looking for an app that will shut the OS down before the battery reaches 0%. I want to set it at 3% or 5% and have the OS safely shut down at this point. Any apps out there that can do this?
  19. windows 8 doesn't have a crazy layout if you turn it into Windows7 with classicshell as mentioned already.
  20. http://h20628.www2.hp.com/km-ext/content-webapp/document?docId=emr_na-c01732674 looks like a general system board error, whatever that means. did you try another poweradapter already?
  21. i agree. people like the OP will blame Microsoft even if somebody else pissed in their breakfast. Truth is, OEMs screw up OS installs all the time... they dont care because when you call them, they can then charge you to "fix" the problem.
  22. you want to compress on the fly? not gonna happen. you need an nvidia card with that h264 encoder built in or a capture card with a hardware encoder.
  23. I know this guy from another forums. He's AMD's PR mouthpiece...yeah, i'm going to take what he has to say with a grain of salt.