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I don't like the concept of Civil War assuming that we're idiots and that people didn't die in the previous movies. please kys thx civil war

  1. ZetZet


    The reason no one died is because they all have a role in Infinity Wars, but I wouldn't put it past Marvel to kill quite a few heroes in those two movies. They will be fighting gods after all. 

  2. ZetZet


    unless you mean random people. 



    but Marvel didn't assume that we are all idiots, Bruce Banner ran away because he didn't want to hurt more people, that's pretty obvious in AoU.



    The concept of Civil War is that they took it upon themselves to be judge, jury and executioner and that never works.

  3. SImoHayha



    The random people AKA people we don't care about what so ever cause its undershadowed by the heroes.

  4. ZetZet


    have you seen AoU? Bruce Banner shows a clear moral struggle about killing people and even bad guys.

  5. SImoHayha


    I know. But I still don't care honestly. I could care less about the random peeps


  6. ZetZet


    but the movie wasn't about peeps. it was about control, cap didn't want another hydra to form, tony trusted the peeps.
