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Alright, i'm done with the MySQL part, now lets begin with the PHP! ;D

  1. Hazy125


    Wow, that was quick!

  2. Jeroen1322


    I am 24+ hours awake, i had some extra time to read :P And i have dabled around with MySQL and PHP but not really learned it so i have a slight advantage.

  3. qwertywarrior


    i quit 20 minutes after trying to follow steps for C for dummies

  4. Simmytu
  5. linusforsell


    Be sure to look into PDO (http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php); Many books I've skimmed through completely skipped it, and it makes PHP<->SQL interactions so much more convenient and powerful.

  6. Hazy125


    I personally avoid PDO like the plague, but whatever you find is best
