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Everything posted by espurritado

  1. it eventually goes away, a few years ago whenever i went any some kind of big store i could feel the security guard walking four steps behind me (i can assure you i have never looked dangeroud)
  2. windows 8, windows because of compatibility mainly, 8 because i tried windows 8.1 and i liked it less than 8, call me crazy if you want
  3. i installed windows 8 on my dad's pc when windows xp died, after a few months he asked me to opgrade the ram because it was crashing every now and then and he couldn't do anyhting. you should note that it's a 7 year-old pc
  4. so right now, as you may have seen, the swing thread is free while encripting so it can resize without problems, even more, you can do file ad text at the same time. however, it would be nice to disable the button while the algorithm is working and re-enable it when it's done. and also if you want to go fancy, add a progress bar as for the algorithm itself, i don't know what's wrong but it takes +10 min to go through a 170MB file
  5. wait, i've just tried (i actually prefer tu run the .jar) the first time you run it it generates an eula.txt file where you have to change the eula=false to true. then you just have to run it again an it generates every file you need
  6. just download the server app from the oficial page and on the server prpopierties change online-mode to false
  7. well the optimal thing would be AES but it would be quite overkill to what you want, you could try encoding the file on base 64 and using the Vigenère cipher with 64 characters instead of just 26
  8. alright so i've been readong the code and the encryption algorithm seems to be some kind of Caesar cypher, however, opening the ecrypted file with an hexadecimal editor would let you read the password on plain text. so your files would be definately not safe.
  9. i don't really have any site for java, i had a very extensive class on object oriented programing using java. my mistake, you don't have to move the GUI to a diferent thread but move the encription algorithm to a diferent thread it would go something like this class algorithmThread extends thread{public void run(){/*algorithm*/}} and then this would go on the action listener for the button algorithmThread thread=new algorithmThread(); //not sure if thread is a reserved word, i use hilothread.start(); you can create a custom object constructor/builder (not really sure of what the word is) to add the file and the pasword as atributes for the algorithmThread object. i'll take a look at the code tomorrow to check out the algorithm and see if it can be optimized
  10. which encription method are you using? -EDIT- so i've been testing it on my VM (just because i don't feel confortable testing it on my pc) and i have a few coments 1- you should really multi-thread the GUI so it won't get stuck on large files 2- it's highly ineficient, it got stuck on a 170 MB file 3- the GUI looks fine, nice touch the text encription system good luck
  11. first one was an amd, not sure which but about seven years ago it melted into the mobo, quite a scary experience.
  12. alright i just got really mad. i finally managed to update my VM (since my internet is crap and using wifi doesn't really help) and when i go to try cortana it says that it's not aviable on my area. so unfair -EDIT- specially when i read that it's actually suposed to be aviable -EDIT 2- so i calmed down and changed my region to make it work, although it's suposed to work in my region anyways...
  13. well, my first thought would be to format it to try and see if it works. However, you should never run games (or any kind of software for this matter) from a flash drive, since it rewrites and errases cells until it just kills itself. this is the reason, for example, why you should never defragmentate an SSD
  14. updating right now on my VM, so exciting
  15. hard call, Spielberg would be a tight competitor for the title
  16. there is a tool for circular selections, can't really tell you the exact name
  17. it seems like the way to get the most from windows 10 would be to use windows devices on everything, i don't like that, i prefer android on mobile devices
  18. doing a calculator that solves equations shouldn't be very hard, depending on which equations you want to solve. of the top of my head, you ither input all the equation as a string and then process it to get each term or you request each term in orde (i mean for example in a ax^2+bx+c=0 request a, then b and finally c) then it would be a matter of writting every output you may want
  19. it's true that,in total numbers, world war 2 had way more deads, however, in proportion with population growth and density of population world war 1 had a way bigger impact on the world
  20. there are way bigger horrors in human history, world war 1 was, proporcionaly, the biggest loss of lives in history
  21. no, obviously with it's correspondent if clause (where's the point of a loop if you are ading a break in the end?), however, i still mantain they make no sense in a for loop, or in any loop for that matter, adding a new condition to the while makes the code far more readable (coding is not only about eficiency but also about elegance)
  22. it's a bad practise, it makes the code harder to read and analice, if you are going to make an scape route in a loop, do it a while and include an if clause that given the circumstances, makes the condition false. if you are making a for loop you asume that it will go through an specific amount of laps
  23. well i had a teacher last year who coded extremely bad. among other horrors, he told me to put a break; on a for loop and he insisted on using unsigned variables (it's considered a bad practise)