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Everything posted by espurritado

  1. it seems like a problem with your account config, nothing to do with chrome you may change that on your account settings (do not mistake with google chrome settings) p.s.: what's wrong with spanish?
  2. since i finished with all my math at uni, my reaction to every single problem is go to wolfram
  3. after a quick read (i might be wrong) it sims to be a Vingenère ciphe. the strength from this ciphe comes only from the length of the key. if you have a long enough message you can still try to atack it using stadistical analysis of the letters trying different lenghts of key. It's also possible to try and look for common groupings of 3 or 4 letters and comparing them to the groups of letters in the lenguaje of the message. however, since you are actually mantaining the spaces and every punctuation sing, it would be possible to try and get different short words and match them with the message. common words such as "a", "and" or "the" appear several times in the text. the distance between the letters is a good revelation and once you've got the groups, finding the common divisors would give the length of the key p.s: sorry for the critics, it's just my obsesion to look for faults on ciphers
  4. in my opinion, this is a really interesting area. i follow a forum (in spanish -sorry about that-) http://www.elladodelmal.com/ and also, for the linux distro i recomend kali since it already carries most of the tools you might require while learning you can find it here https://www.kali.org/ for some open software you can check this page http://www.criptored.upm.es/paginas/software.htm again, in spanish(sorry about that), you can find a lot of software for educational purposes happy codding
  5. when a disk gets full, it tends to lose performance, also, having several partitions on a disk also makes it suffer. consider getting rid of some files and merging some partitions (merging partitions will erase at least one of the partitions -not sure if both) algo if you upgraded the SO instead of making a fresh install the performance is affected (my windows 10 VM takes for ever to boot since i've been upgrading since the first build) good luck
  6. how full is your HDD? how long since your last clean windows install? what are the specs of the computer? did you put together the computer yourself?
  7. you should check some app working in the background, there might be something there. i'm not sure if your phone has a (easily) removable battery, but if so, try taking it out and putting it back, it might be a contact problem and on the charging speed part, try using a different charger, it could be tat the charger is broken hopefully it's not the battery so it can be solved easily
  8. I am beggining a project which the end-user will be regular users (this means not specially knowlegeable about computers) so the way of use needs to be extremelly simple (be able to use the program with out aditional software). The first thing that comes to mind is to use C (or any variation of C) to write the program. However, I am far more confortable on java. I have been doing some research and found some programs that can turn a .jar to a .exe and something similar done for python. I just wanted to ask you guys for your thoughts on this programs, if they are a valid option at all and your thoughts on them thanks everyone
  9. i failed my first time because i was so nervous i got a leg cramp and i couldn't move it. also, i got left and right mixed up. the solution is just keep practicing so you won't get nervous whatever the situation good luck
  10. well, i've only used xampp to create a secure server, but i assume it should be similar, check in the config file where is the server taking the files from (or configure the address yourself) and place the files. when you boot the server (with the default config file) and go to you should load some webpage. again, i have not tried php, i don't have xampp installed on this computer so i'm just working on theory, i have not checked any of this
  11. i guess it could be possible(don't quote me on that), but then you might want to consider a HUB or a switch instead given what you want to do, unless you want to extend your wifi network as well
  12. a few months ago i was working on code generation with visual studio dslTools and c#. i was writting code and some times when i changed tab to check something the program would get stuck and eventually crash. It took me a while to discover that every time i left the tab with the code generation program, visual studio would try to generate a preview of the code it would get so, if i left the tab without writting the stop clause on the loop i would get the crash
  13. at my university you can find really weird things but the most common are i5 with 8 gigs of ram and w8.1, there's also a room with macs (although i've never been in there).
  14. base 10 is simply what is normally used, numbers from 0 to 9. when you get to 9 and add 1 since you've run out of numbers you use two consecutive numbers on the same base and you get 10. base 2 is exactly the same but instead of having numbers from 0 to 9, you get numbers from 0 to 1. when you get to 1 and add 1 since you've run out of numbers you get the second digit and start all over again
  15. when i installed the virtual machine with w10 i also had a weird error, i can't remember which one, but what i did was to create a virtual machine with w8 and from there upgrade using the setup.exe inside the ISO i guess this option is not viable if you have no acces to a reusable w8 key
  16. that depends, if you are going to be using some kind of authentication on you web, or, as i see, you expect to create a store you need it in order to navigate through https (so everything in and out from your page is cyphered -passwords, credit card numbers, etc)
  17. sometimes the botleneck is not the transfer speed but the reads/writes per second. if you haven't defragmented your drive in a long time you'll need to make more read/wirte smaller operations
  18. espurritado https://www.vessel.com/videos/a-qL98bEA https://www.vessel.com/videos/XPyW3zKpm
  19. i played it and i have to say that i didn't copletely hated it, it definately goes before black flag on my ranking
  20. 10/100/1000 means cable speed, it means 10/100/1000Mbps an older network card would only give you up to 100Mbps. if you are getting such a low speed from WiFi you probably have some kind of interferences. try changing the channel on which you have your wifi to a clearer channel
  21. well tecnicaly it could be possible, a cat5 cable can go up to 100Mbps (newer networks cards can handle 1000Mbps), however, wifi networks (802.11 protocols) can be faster (802.11n up to 300Mbps). so in an interference clear area it would be faster but still i believe cable is more reliable
  22. today in class the teacher mentioned the problem with pascal languaje where with two consecutive if clauses on the lenguaje definition there is no way to know if the else clause belongs ither to the first of the second if. it goes more or less like this: if (condition) then if (condition2) <expresion> else <expresion> this problem was solved with a complicated grammar but that's not the point. after this, the class went into some kind of debate going about what would happen in C. after thinking for a while we gave reasons saing that the else would correspond to the first if and other saying that it would correspond to the second if. before you go ahead and try to find out the answer with barely 3 lines of code, i've already done it, i would like to raise the debate here, and this is it: on the folowing C code, what would be the output? int a =1;if (a==0) thenif (a==2) then printf("out1");else printf ("out2"); have fun thinking about it before trying it
  23. java would be an example of this one, when you build a java program the .class files you get are just the java program tranlated into bytecode which is afterwards interpreted by the java VM
  24. well it's kind of complicated, you need a lexical, sintactical and semantical analyzer, you need a symbol table and you need a translator to turnyour high level commands to object code i've got a class talking about this during this semester and a few years back (say 15-20) was one of the main parts of informatics, understand and program all this. answering to your question, you can do it any way, obiously the first high level languages were coded with low level lenguages but if you can write something you can actually understand why write a bunch of comands using hexadecimal?