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Everything posted by Noxxx

  1. Telus used to ignore monthly bandwidth limit, but they started enforcing it last year. They did gave a warning right before the change though.
  2. you should use VPN only when you want to access contents blocked in your region if you simply want to hide your identity, I personally think the VPN hosting companies are much less trustworthy than ISPs
  3. if you are getting much less than what you bought from your ISP: Most reliable method is using an ethernet cable. Powerline may not always work, so buy one from a retailer with a return policy. Other things you can try is to buy better (more expensive) wireless router and adapter
  4. you are connected to a regular website server, so you if want to get something back, you need to type in a HTTP request i.e. http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html but I don't see the point since that's exactly what your browser is doing when you go to that website
  5. a few things you can try: - use 2.4 GHz band (5 GHz can be blocked by walls more easily) - change the physical position of you Adapter and PC
  6. can't really give you a better answer than if you simply search "best hosting service in canada" on google but the best method is to host the website yourself, then rent out unused bandwidth to cover the cost or even make a profit of course this requires a significant start up cost, a lot of effort to set up the servers and finding clients
  7. it's not possible to "convert" phone jack to ethernet port, but if you get DSL internet (as oppose to cable internet), you can ask the ISP to install the modem in your office room
  8. yes, simply connect a eithernet cable between switch and router and it will act like a ports-extender for your router
  9. you mean ISP If the modem is not compatible with DSL, there is nothing you can do. And even if you manage to get it to work somehow, it will not make your connection faster.
  10. your ISP always knows what you are doing since all your data go through their hardware, but VPN will hide your identity from other parties
  11. make sure your connection is set to use DHCP (i.e. obtain ip address automatically) http://windows7themes.net/en-us/how-to-enable-dhcp-on-windows-8/
  12. ping works like this: You send a ping request to some destination device, and the destination device and choose to respond or not
  13. depend on what you are downloading. You can try to find a download manager that allows your to limit download speed. (e.g. Steam has this option). Side note: this won't help if you are torrenting, which takes too much upload bandwidth
  14. On linux, there is a tool called dansguardian, which filters individual webpage based on how many "dirty" words it contains, so you could use it together with "squid" to have the linux system act as a proxy filter. But, I have no idea how to force a Windows system to use a specific proxy server.
  15. the problem is your port 80 being blocked. Here is the only solution I can think of: Find a hosting service (the cheapest possible), and set up a server for the sole purpose of redirecting port 80 to port 82 of your home server. You can even setup some IP update mechanism to handle your dynamic IP (i.e. have your home server periodically update the redirect IP on the redirect server)
  16. By default, all inbound connections that do not match a rule are blocked, and in order to create a new rule, users have to explicitly add them (i.e. click on "Allow" on that firewall popup dialog when you start an application for the first time)
  17. you don't need one if you are not running any server. The firewall build into your router and Windows OS blocks almost all external connection requests by default
  18. this is more of a matter whether a game support ad hoc or not, and I never heard of any game that support ad hoc
  19. Are you using an IP phone (a phone that works with a ethernet cable plugged in?) if yes, then what you need is probably a router. Switch cannot work without a router. However, if you are not sure, the best person to help you is your ISP.
  20. it's server's problem. I have 50Mbps, but sites like dailymotion sometimes would slow down to a crawl or simply stop working.
  21. Modem -> convert other types of signal (e.g. phone, TV, etc.) to internet signal Router -> allow multiple systems to connect to internet Switch -> adds more ports to a router (it needs a router to work) Sometimes you can have modem and router in one device (like the device your ISP gave you)
  22. not every device will respond to ping. Besides tablet, Windows system also doesn't respond to ping by default.
  23. if you want to know how to send UDP packet in practice use "DatagramSocket" in java
  24. I just tested netflix. My network usage shows upload at around 300Kbps, but downloads is at 15-25 Mbps during the first half minute, then it went down to 0-5 Mbps for the rest of a video, so maybe it's your modem/router that's the issue?