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  1. My user name is Walrus159 My favorite videos in order would have been: https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY I was unable to even watch the videos due to the lack of quality settings. The videos had to load every 2 seconds because my internet isn't fast enough. Twitter post here: https://twitter.com/Odobenus159/status/580476614129106944
  2. Absolutly! Linus, don't you dare give away that computer! It has so much personality and the case was a gift from your wife when you were dating! It has so much more value to you than anyone you give it to can possibly assign it.
  3. I created an account and was ready to begin watching, but there are no quality options. If I can't watch in 360p it will be in a state of never ending loading. This is not going to work for me, which means I am going to HAVE to watch on youtube with the delay. I was reluctant about this at first but now I am 100% against it
  4. Thank you for the great content, keep up the awesome work and we can make it to 2 mil! WOOT