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Everything posted by Purple

  1. money, drugs, cars, guns, and women
  2. I'd move them with the van.
  3. You'd have to do something pretty crazy to completely brick your device. I used to tweak my iPod like crazy, and when worst comes to worst you just restore it after putting it in recovery mode.
  4. Purple


    i'm not clicking that without context.
  5. uh .. uhhh.. It's a feature! It's the game don't worry.
  6. peak a boo, na but really probably some weird obscure pc game.
  7. I'm a Jack of all trades, but master of none
  8. Then your post has nothing to do with the topic.
  9. I think i'll stay away from that man.
  10. Cable management and sleeve cables. Paint those red things to fit the case better
  11. Video Games probably. I started out chicken pecking, after maybe 3 years later I was getting 30wpm looking at the keyboard. Then I started getting into PC gaming around 2009,still looking at my keyboard, and by 2012 i was at 60wpm. Now I'm around 90wpm not looking at the keyboard. Mechanical keyboard helped me a lot. I don't use homerow either.
  12. http://www.geforce.com/hardware/technology/g-sync/diy $199
  13. Probably some tonyhawk game on the n64