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Everything posted by CapnCrunch

  1. Vessel Username: CapnCrunch Videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 Social Media Shares: 1) https://twitter.com/CapnKrunch10/status/580406286522671104 --- Hope you guys meet the milestones you're looking to achieve.
  2. What was the point? It's not like Amazon needs more press/awareness.
  3. Thank you for the kind compliments everyone!
  4. Well done. Everything you chose goes really well together! Should be a BotW contender imo.
  5. Eh. Until we hear about anything officially or through more reputable sources, I'd say it's best to wait before jumping to any conclusions.
  6. IW are such idiots. Did they think people wouldn't find out or something? To not be able to launch the game because you have less than 6GB of RAM is pathetic. We're talking about a game at minimum settings that requires triple the RAM of Crysis 3... We'll probably see them remove this silly limitation sometime soon. Unless this is a really creative way to get more RAM sold.