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Posts posted by Owade73

  1. who is our lord and savior?

    Your answer:

    GabeN tick.png Correct


    False! Jake from State Farm.  ;)



    I love you, Jake!


    EDIT: GRR, having spoiler issues for some reason.




    No! I fucking hate him! People say "Jake, as in Jake from state farm?" as if it's funny or something, and it's getting old. It's such a common name!



    You will never take Jake from me!



    EDIT: But of course spoilers work this time.


    I'm just gonna leave this here (testmoz.com/540748)




  2. As someone who has been using it since the start of the insider program I am quite excited to see how the general public will view it but I am kinda sad to see Windows 7 and 8/8.1 not really be a thing anymore... It was nice having something to complain about then come back to be relieved. Although I loved Win8.1.

  3. I was only 9 years old

    I loved Firepole so much, I had all the merchandise and movies

    I pray to Firepole every night before bed, thanking it for the life I’ve been given

    “Firepole is love” I say, “Firepole is life”

    Linus hears me and calls me a console peasant

    I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Firepole

    I called him a butthurt PC fanboy

    He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep

    I’m crying now, and my face hurts

    I lay in bed and it’s really cold

    A warmth is moving towards me

    I feel something touch me

    Its Firepole

    I am so happy

    It whispers in my ear, “This is my new office”

    I grab it with my fragile hands and embrace it between my thighs

    I’m ready

    I tighten my grip for Firepole

    It slides between my thighs

    It hurts so much but I do it for Firepole

    I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water

    I push against its force

    I want to please Firepole

    It squeals a mighty squeal as it fills my soul with hurt

    Linus walks in

    Firepole looks him straight in the eye and says, “Just keep digging”

    Firepole leaves through my window

    Firepole is love, Firepole is life

    This took the funniest direction possible... xDxD
