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E3 News



E3 turned out great this year. The expo attracted about 52,200 people from 109 countries, even Kanye showed up this year! Anyways here is some news from the show.

Overall, Sony had a great show this year. They unveiled the remaking of one of the most beloved Japanese role-playing game, Final Fantasy VII. The release date of the remade game isn’t yet known, so keep your eyes open. After many no-shows Team ICO finally unveiled The Last Guardian. The mastermind behind ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, Fumito Ueda, showed up to give the game his “stamp” of approval. Hopefully The Last Guardian will be as mystical as the studio’s previous games. Sony’s third and final announcement was the reveal of Shenmue 3. Fanboys have been losing sleep over this and rest easy it’s happening. The project was crowd-funded on Kickstarter and within a few hours they shot past their initial goal of 2 million dollars. Horizon Zero Dawn was revealed at E3 this year. Developed by Guerilla Games, the game is a third-person action game in which a hunter battles against giant robot dinosaurs. Not much can be said in terms of narrative. I, for one have many questions about the game. Uncharted 4 is coming out soon and is looking fantastic. The developers at Naughty Dog have been making slight tweaks to the gameplay as well as the graphics from the previous Uncharted. At points it almost looks like the game is going to be a bit of an open world adventure. Of course the sets at E3 were the crazy-over-the-top kind that we all know and love. No Man’s Sky was released and many people are asking what the heck even is this meant to be? Sean Murray has our answer, everytime he steps on-stage he show just how insanely large the rendered galaxy of No Man’s Sky is. It looks like the game is meant to be something like Elite:Dangerous, which was released earlier this year. I can’t wait to get my hands on this game. Media Molecule has released their game, Dreams. It looks really weird and also quite intriguing. The game looks like and horror game similar to Among the Sleep and deals with exploring interconnected worlds. The game looks very interesting and the idea of exploring interconnected worlds excites me. Finally Destiny revealed a new DLC, The Taken King. The Taken King looks like it will introduce some interesting content. No details were revealed on exactly what that content is. I am excited and there is nothing you can do about it.

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E3 twitch is a piece of crap.

They do their best the show is really meant to be attended, not watched

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