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First Blog ever / struggles with windows




To celebrate my 4479th post i decided to open my blog! Wooo!

After i decided to get Win8.1 (for free) yesterday i realised that i don't have a dvd nor usb stick for the .iso

So i bought a stick just for that and made it bootable.

Now the stick doesnt work anymore! yay.

What do people actually write in their blogs?

I dunno but i will try to hold up the expectations given from the blog desciption.

Fun Fact of the Day:

My 5 day old win7 installation decided to update today. 186 Updates.

Took hours to shutdown.

Next day when i start again "updates are being configured" -> "failed updates are being removed" (process took ~30mins again)

Shut down later that day "176 Updates available".

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