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Max Caulfield


Despite David's evidence and the bracelet, Chloe refused to believe Rachel was involved with Frank. This is a part of Chloe I don't much like: she gets so damn petulant if she doesn't get her way. Or if she hears something she doesn't like. Serious denial. I get why, but that doesn't make dealing with it any easier. So I threw my hands up and suggested we check out Frank's RV.


I knew that would piss Chloe off and she would do anything to find out what kind of relationship he had with Rachel.


But first we had to get the damn keys to the RV. Which meant going into the Two Whales Diner and bouncing like a rewind pinball between Frank, Nathan Prescott, and Officer Berry—and fucking with all of them. I'm still dizzy thinking about how I pulled it off. Yay for Max.


Sometimes I feel like I'm just cheating at life...


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