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October 9, 2013 (P11)

Max Caulfield


Which was a perfect cue for Chloe to bounce into the room and start shit with Joyce. This gave me cruel cover so I could sneak into the garage and finally unlock David Madsen's X-treme Files..."


So today I finally found out what was in David's secret files... and I admit, I expected it to be worse. I'm relieved that it wasn't, so maybe I'm going easier on him than I should. No surprise that he had detailed files on Kate AND Rachel listing their whereabouts along with surveillance pics. David isn't off my shit-list yet, but he's a damn good investigator, I'll give him that. It's clear that Frank and Rachel had some kind of relationship... and I don't think Chloe is going to be very happy to hear that. She needs to start waking up. We all do.


When David came home, things escalated quickly. He looked more upset than usual, but shrugged when he saw me wearing Rachel's clothes. He was so on edge... Maybe I'll never get to see the David that Joyce loves so much. She and Chloe really let him have it, though. This was the first time I saw them bond since we were kids...


Suddenly, I couldn't take it anymore either and I kind of blew up. It was like a torrent that felt AWESOME. I've been wanting to rip into David like that myself for a long time. I figured worst case scenario, hello rewind power! But I wanted Joyce to know the depth of his weird paranoia. She looked so sad and angry when I told her about the photos of Rachel and Kate, not to mention the home surveillance. Joyce kicked his ass out of the house. To Chloe's glee.


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