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star wars review








Starwars: The Force Awakens is not the letdown I expected when it was first announced, it managed to live up to its hype without exceeding it and it is truly an awesome movie.
I loved the Millennium Falcon returned, and how it was “inherited” by Rai, who I think truly is one of the best hero’s that the starwars universe will ever see. By the end of the movie Rai has complete confidence in the few “Jedi” abilities she has learned and has “opened” herself to the force while kind of keeping her characters innocents. Fin is a pretty simple character, but I do wonder what makes him different from the other conditioned storm troopers, all I can really say about his character is that he has balls, and ultimately knows to do what’s right like solo has done in the previous movies. Kylo Ren is an interesting character and seems to be struggling to stay on the dark side, the exact opposite of most Jedi. In all, solo’s death was necessary in order to kind of take focus off the previous characters, the Millennium Falcon is in good hands with Rai and Chewy (though why is he continuing with her when he was honoring a life debt to solo?) Kylo Ren has a lot more character development needed, BB-8 is the cutest robot I have ever seen (why does he purr?) c3po is still annoying, r2d2 is still awesome and Luke is running from his problems like the last Jedi did after the clone wars. And this movie is a good addition to the series. 8.5/10


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