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About this blog

As part of my rampup for a domain specific language creation framework called Montana that is to ship with a procedural generation meta-tool called MagicMontana, it is necessary to explore concrete examples of small domain specific languages.

In this blog, we will look at developing one-off concrete examples of domain specific languages in order to explore patterns of language development that can be easily generalized. These languages will be written in C#, because it is a fairly widely known language, is easily understandable by most programmers even if they have no experience with C# or .NET, and is the language with which I am most familiar.

Entries in this blog

Informal Conjecture on the Equivalence of Chomsky Grammars and L-Systems

An L-System is a description of a formal grammar in which all tokens in the input are concurrently transformed by their respective productions. Conversely, a Chomsky Grammar is a description of a formal grammar in which all tokens in the input are sequentially transformed by their respective productions.   For example, in the context-free grammar: A ---> B B ---> AB   With axiom "A" the L-System produces this tree.        While the Chomsky grammar produces thi


