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About this blog

Hi all.


Bet you didn't know this place existed


So I've decided to run an ongoing AMA for no real reason than to let others find out more about me and I feel like I need to open up a bit more in life, and since i spend so much time here, might as well start here. It's hopefully a way to deal with my shyness RL by letting others "as me anything" and help me build confidence, plus i still have some form of anonymity so i'm more likely to share things here that i wouldn't with people work with, are friends with RL Etc. So in effect you're kind of helping me :)


There's three ways you can do this. 

  1. Send me a PM here on the forums if you don't mind the question(s) being attributed to you
  2. If you would prefer to remain anonymous with your question(s), you can send an email to Arika.ama@gmail.com.
  3. Leave it as a comment within the blog entry. Obviously other people will be able to see your question


I will endeavor to respond to every question as accurately as possible without revealing too much about my identity as I still intend to keep a disconnect between real life and online.


Some questions may be unanswered depending on what was asked, ie too personal. If such a question is received, i will still respond, but just saying that it will not be answered.


So you can ask my Anything, but not everything will receive an answer.

Appropriate questions and answers will be put on this blog. Unless otherwise specified, I will not indicate who asked the question i will just list it and the answer. You can ask as many questions as you like.




Entries in this blog

Wall of Shame: Desk Hunter Tri

People love "battlestation" pictures. Some love their battlestations....others; apparently not to much. I'm collecting and showcasing set ups that people clearly put no effort into presentation. I've tried to not grab ones that were posted satirically. It's like a discount 'we roast your worse setups' series that LTT did.   If your set up appears on this list....that's your fault, take it as a hint to clean it up! Some pictures came from this forum, others came from various other


Arika in shame!

Wall of Shame, Part Duo

People love "battlestation" pictures. Some love their battlestations....others; apparently not to much. I'm collecting and showcasing set ups that people clearly put no effort into presentation. I've tried to not grab ones that were posted satirically. It's like a discount 'we roast your worse setups' series that LTT did.   If your set up appears on this list....that's your fault, take it as a hint to clean it up! Some pictures came from this forum, others came from r/battlestatio


Arika in shame!

The Wall of Shame

People love "battlestation" pictures. Some love their battlestations....others; apparently not to much. I'm going to start collecting and showcasing set ups that people clearly put no effort into presentation. I've tried to not grab ones that were posted satirically. It's like a discount 'we roast your worse setups' series that LTT did.   If your set up appears on this list....that's your fault, take it as a hint to clean it up! Some pictures came from this forum, others came from


Arika in shame!
