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​So, I had this disturbing revelation. I wish there were a better way to share it with others, because it's hard to explain how everything connects for me. I guess I'll try and start at the beginning.

One thing you may or may not know about me is that I don't like this world. Not at all. When I was young, I could see that my dreams could never be real in it. Because of this, I usually went to media like video games and anime because they didn't have the limitations this world does.

As I've grown up, I've played and watched more and more of these stories. And as I've realized how many of them there are, I became disheartened because I realized I could never experience them all in a normal human lifetime (part of the limitations of the world).

Well, while I was thinking about my relationship with God and stuff, I realized something. This disheartened feeling was causing an evil reaction in me. I mean, obviously being disheartened to things you love in general is bad, but there's a very special reason this particular reaction to this feeling of mine is evil. And that is because of what it implies. But I'll get to what it implies in a second.

This feeling is based on the idea that I enjoy a certain something (for me, video games and anime, for others, whatever), and that I will do my best, with my spare time, to experience as much of it as I can with that time. And make more of that time when possible. It actually reminds me of a quote I saw once:

"Everything changed the day she realized there was just enough time in life for the important things."

Paraphrased, but close.

Though that implies the same thing that my reaction (which is to experience as much as I can with what spare time I do have) does, but it helps explain what I'm saying, I think.

The problem with that quote, and the problem with my reaction to that feeling (and the feeling itself, really) is that it implies I'm going to die.

I'm effectively resigning myself to death by accepting this feeling and reacting to it in this way. That there will be a point where there is "no more time". Which obviously isn't true.

And then I thought about how people normally lived their lives. How society views these types of things. And from what I can tell, it's the same thing.

Everyone is living like they are going to die. Trying to claim whatever "life" they can before they do die. Which leads me to this:

Matthew 16:24-25

24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."

And that's when I realized I was being sucked into society's view of life. To take what you can before your gone, rather than to prepare for your "real" life.

And so, personally, I've resolved myself to ask the simple question of "Why?" when I do things from now on. "Because I enjoy it." is not good enough anymore. In fact, I would say I should avoid such things where that is the only reason I do them (i.e. video games and anime for me).

Because if they are really worth spending time on, I will see them again. I'm sure of it.


Your views on life being a preparation rather than how it appears initially as a 'race for a glimpse of heaven before the chance is gone' interest me, and I enjoyed reading this piece.

This image sums up perfectly why I am not an atheist, their quandry is real, the fact is mom's there but you can't know that until the time comes for you to be shown. Looking back on it is then trivial despite the validity of the initial doubt.

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Exactly Askew. Ya know, it's amazing. I've never seen that version of the argument before. That is great. 

I actually read something interesting around the time I posted it. It was called "The Egg". 

Here is the post on LTT about it: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/140925-the-egg/ (Read it first, if you are interested. Then continue.)

I find that interesting. However, I disagree with part of it by nature. It makes sense at the same time. Ultimately, the only evil we could do in such a universe is to ourselves. Therefore no wrong is ever truly done, because we (Or rather, "I" in this case) have done it to ourselves (Me in this case). 

The thing I disagree with is that, as it says, time is not "a thing" outside "The Egg". If that is so, we wouldn't go through reincarnations in a linear path. From outside the egg, everyone would be born and die simultaneously, which means that encounter with "God" can't happen. However, it also means that there would be no reincarnation, in a sense because you need linearity for reincarnation (i.e. I was this person, then I was reborn as this other person.). However, this doesn't break the premise of the story. It only changes how it comes out actually occurring from our perspective.

I really liked it. I suppose I do so because of selfish reasons though. It basically means that, in the end, when all of the split conscious of our being comes together, I will get to experience everything I ever wanted and more (on top of a lot of things I never wanted to experience). All the everything that is our universe that humanity ever knew would be known to us. That would be epic. 

Of course then we also have to know the experience of every tragedy and pain, but also every miracle and joy. I just really like it.

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The egg was a cool read, my eyebrows duly raised at the correct moment, however if 'God 'is a perfect and timeless deity, it would require a perfect and 'sinless' entry into being, being born doesn't factor, much less so being born out of experiencing all of the good and evils of the imperfect man.

If man was indeed corrupted shortly after his inception on this planet, and the whole mechanism of forgiveness and metaphorical 'rebirth' as a new man is necessary in order to enter heaven then I cannot see the egg 'hatching' into a God because not all of is pure, some of it's fabric ended unrighteously and in many cases wholly evil.

If a man is required to accept a saviour and be cleansed of this 'sin' to even be accepted in the presence of 'God' then he cannot in my opinion die imperfect and still serve as a building block to form the perfect being because no matter how well his actions while compiling the lives within the egg are balanced out in terms of good lives for evil, the fact remains that the sum of all parts doesn't wash 100% white without intervention.


I agree with your points about timescale, I suppose if time only exists within it, maybe it is just being rendered like an edited video, all paths chosen and accounted for, just playing out according to the length of the project.

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Interesting though what you said reminds me of me

there same things,i think about now and then  and also the reason why i don't believe in gods  

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