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X-Ray Pill


Check Cap, led by medical engineer Yoav Kimchy, has developed a pill that contains a small sensor that works like an X-ray machine, or the LIDAR detection system in Google’s self-driving cars. A patient swallows the pill and when it gets to the colon, it emits a signal to determine how far it is from the colon wall. The signal is emitted in every direction, allowing the pill to map the entire inside of the colon. It sends the data to a wireless patch the patient slaps on their skin, which tracks the pill’s movement through their body. According to Check Cap, it’s about as harmful to the body as two airport body scans or one chest X-ray.

The pill is disposable and doesn’t need to be retrieved once it’s done its job. The patient then gives the patch to their doctor, and in 10 minutes, they’ll have a full 3D rendering of the patient’s colon.




That is so cool... Hope the radiation is in acceptable level...


Source: http://qz.com/467119/scientists-are-developing-an-x-ray-pill-you-can-swallow/

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